Corey Feldman 'Shattered' Over Lack of Support from Peers in Wake of Abuse Claims
With an intimate TV movie about the sexual abuse he experienced as a child actor set to premiere on Jan. 6 on Lifetime, Corey Feldman is hoping to raise awareness about what he and his late best friend, Corey Haim, experienced as young movie stars at the mercy of powerful entertainment executives.
The 46-year-old has been outspoken about the trauma he and Haim faced during their rise as heartthrobs in the late 1980s, penning a 2013 memoir, Coreyography, and helping to produce the Lifetime movie, A Tale of Two Coreys. But Feldman says there is still more to the story, and he is currently raising money to fund his own documentary to shed light on alleged sexual abusers in Hollywood.
“People are finally listening and there’s a movement happening,” Feldman tells PEOPLE. “This is your chance for redemption, but also a chance to have justice served not only for Corey and I, but for the rest of the world. There are still kids out there who are being victimized.”
In recent months — largely spurred on by the #MeToo Movement and the subsequent downfall of film mogul Harvey Weinstein — hundreds of men and women have come forward to voice their own experiences with sexual assault and harassment by those in powerful positions. Feldman is hopeful that change — and justice — may be on the horizon for those in the entertainment industry and beyond.
“I guarantee you that there were other kids that had these experiences. They need to stand up and use their voice,” he explains. “There are producers that know about things that happened on their sets, or agents who know things about their clients, and actresses and actors themselves—it’s time to use our voices.”
Feldman says almost “everyone who has done physical harm” to him has been named so far. He also says he finds the motivation to talk about the abuse that he and Haim experienced after a “heart-to-heart” with his best friend a year before his death in March 2010.
For more from Corey Feldman, pick up the latest issue of PEOPLE magazine, on newsstands Friday.
“He said, ‘I want my story to be told so if anything should ever happen to me, I want you to tell my story.’ I said to him, ‘Why don’t you just tell your story yourself?’ ” Feldman recalls. “He said, ‘I’m afraid. I can’t do it. I’m not strong, but if I die, I want you to do it.’ A year later he died and I was faced with that certain truth.”
Feldman says he understands why survivors and witnesses may feel compelled to stay silent — such as the need to protect the well-being of their family — but he hopes more people feel comfortable enough to throw “their neck on the line” in the face of adversity to bring a transformation to the industry.
“With the #MeToo movement, a lot of people are coming out with their own stories, which is great,” Feldman says. “Instead of waiting for the ice to crack, let’s be more progressive about it. I’m trying to get everybody to stop keeping it hidden—let’s say our truth, let it out and get on with it. Then we can start to actually make changes.”
While Feldman works to find the best route possible to tell the multi-layered story of what he and Haim experienced, he says he hasn’t felt much support from people in the entertainment industry since coming forward with his accusations.
“I’m still shattered by the fact that I haven’t had more support from my peers,” he says, before offering his own reasoning of why that may be the case. “Fear is a monster. This is the fear that keeps the secret alive, this is the fear that keeps this whole thing going.”