Coronado Historic Site to host workshop on building an horno
May 12—At first glance, the horno is simple.
It's a dome-shaped adobe outdoor oven — one which Native Americans and early settlers used for baking bread, corn and meat.
Yet, there's an art to building an horno.
This is why The Friends of Coronado and Jemez sites is teaming up with the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs in offering a five-day workshop on building an horno from start to finish at the Coronado Historic Site in Bernalillo. The workshop begins on Wednesday, May 17, and runs through Sunday, May 21. Information can be found at
"The horno was used for hundreds of years in Spain," said Kate Hora, of the Friends of Coronado Historic Site. "The horno was brought to New Mexico and the Indigenous cultures adopted its use."
During the five-day workshop, guests will help demolish the current horno and learn how to make adobe bricks.
During the second through fourth day, the horno will be built from the base up.
The last day, the horno will get the plaster on the structure.
Elisabeth Stone, regional manger of Jemez and Coronado Historic Sites, said the process is simple but it does take some time.
"When building the horno, you have to wait until everything is dry to start the next phase," Stone says.
Stone said Native communities have adapted how to build an horno for their use.
"The Coronado will be done adobe style," Stone said. "Meanwhile, we are building one at Jemez and we use rock at the core of the horno. Different pueblos use different rock. It's interesting to see how people have adapted how to build an horno. It's a great way to think about the different communities and how they've built it in different ways with natural materials."
Stone said learning the process will allow guests to take the information and build an horno at their home.
"It does take work and time but the project could be completed over a couple of weekends," Stone said.
Hora said people can sign up for the five days or just the weekend.
Those who sign up should wear boots and gloves.
"You're going to get your hands dirty," Hora said. "That's all part of the fun."
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