Dane Cook Reveals How He Pulled Off Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt's Epic Reunion

A table read to remember!
Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt pretty much broke the internet last week after virtually reuniting for the epic premiere of Dane Cook Presents Feelin' A-Live: A Virtual Table Read Of Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
The two superstars, who were married for five years before divorcing in January 2005, weren't the only ones to participate in the reunion. Julia Roberts, Matthew McConaughey, Morgan Freeman and several other actors joined in on the fun.
So how did it all come together? Two words, one person: Dane Cook.
Speaking on the Better Together with Maria Menounos podcast with Maria Menounos, the comedian revealed how he pulled off the Brad and Jen reunion, the moments people didn't get to see and more. First, Dane explained that he needed to secure the A-listers like the Friends alum.
"When I text [Jennifer], she was—I'm not trying to make it more fluffy—she could not have been more delightful, game, excited," he shared. "Again, I knew once those first few names were in there, when Brad Pitt...started coming in, I was like, 'Yes! This is gonna happen.'"
Jennifer Aniston & Brad Pitt Reunite at 2020 SAG Awards
Dane confirmed that Jen signed on to participate before Brad did.
"Once his team talked to him, I'm sure it was just like, 'Here's already in there so far.' There was no hesitation, there was no rules, there was no, nothing," Dane pointed out. "There wasn't anything like... were they not allowed... No! Zero. No drama."
"They both locked in. What you saw was absolutely what we had hoped," he continued, "Which was just nice engagement between two massive, incredibly talented people!"
Despite how effortless things appeared onscreen, Dane admitted "it fell apart a lot."
In fact, the comedian shared that the virtual reunion was originally scheduled in the spring. But due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and Black Lives Matter movement, things were halted.
"The dilemma was we wanted to do this back like in April, and I think it fell apart completely at least five times," Dane revealed. "There were life things happening in the world, and the protests started, and that put the pause on it. And then it just stopped."
He confessed that after time had passed, he wasn't entirely sure it would "come to fruition." However, Dane explained it was Sean Penn, who had his major career breakthrough in the 1982 film, that "reached out" to make sure it was a go.
"Let's not give up on this," Dane recalled Sean telling him.
While the table read made fans go wild, especially the Jen and Brad reunion, there was one person who wasn't too thrilled. Riverdale's Lili Reinhart took to Twitter to share her thoughts on the whole ordeal.
"Unpopular opinion: can we just leave Jennifer and Brad alone? Stop analyzing their every move and facial expression whenever they're involved in something together," the actress captioned her post. "Let them live their lives in peace."
To see the reunion for yourselves, watch the video here. And for more details about how it all came together, watch Dane's interview with Maria here.