Did NBC Spoil Parks Surprise? Is Thrones Recast a Mismatch? Sketchy Scandal Sex? And More Qs
We’ve got questions, and you’ve (maybe) got answers! With another week of TV gone by, we’re lobbing queries left and right about shows including Grimm, Saturday Night Live, Game of Thrones and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.!
1 | A few Grimm queries: How did we get to Season 3 without really knowing how Wesen spot Grimms? Is Sean Renard really the father of Adalind’s baby – or just the only candidate left alive? And Juliette was kidding when she called Rosalie’s wedding dress “stunning,” wasn’t she?
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2 | Did you catch Hannibal‘s “census taker” reference last Friday? And how mentally damaged do you think Miriam Lass has to be for our titular serial killer to have essentially freed her after two years of captivity? (Badly enough that she won’t yell, “Hannibal did this!,” right?) Also: If your dinner party host was serving enough “heart tartare” to feed 40, wouldn’t you kinda sorta possibly suspect him of being a psychopath?
3 | How soon is too soon to declare Colin Jost a disappointment as co-anchor of Saturday Night Live‘s “Weekend Update”?
4 | How did it not occur to Revenge‘s Mason that he could spend the rest of his life behind bars if Emily’s vendetta got her killed before she sprang him? Also on the subject of “Huh?”: How confounding was it that the death of Mason, a man she barely knew, is what pushed Stevie off the wagon? And was the temporary-death-via-poisonous-Japanese-herb plot ludicrous even by this soap’s standards?
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5 | If the folks at Game of Thrones had to recast the role of Daario Naharis, are we asking too much for the character to have the same general look from season to season?
6 | Is Shameless‘ crazypants Lip/Amanda story growing on anyone else?
7 | Hey, Once Upon a Time‘s Henry: “Kilian” lets slip an inexplicable age discrepancy between him and your father, and you let the oddly dressed stranger shrug it off? #SaveHenrysBrain
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8 | Isn’t it hard to believe that a tech-savvy kid like The Following‘s Mandy – heck, any kid these days – would know better than to leave the browser history on Joe’s computer uncleared?
9 | Did Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Victoria Hand foil you with her “Hail Hydra” test? Also, something we wondered as we watched the TV show’s “news coverage” of the helicarrier crash (aka Captain America: Winter Solider clips): Has ABC’s S.H.I.E.L.D. ever glimpsed one of the films’ superhero actors (e.g. Chris Evans or Scarlett Johannson, not a CGI’d Hulk)? Or are they not allowed to?
10 | On Glee, was anyone else completely appalled by Mercedes throwing an entire faux-fur coat into the East River? And whatever happened to the onlooker who grilled Sam for throwing in a handful of coins — surely Mercedes’ crime was much worse, no?
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11 | True or False? This faux headline on Inside Amy Schumer was the funniest text-based zinger on TV this week.
12 | How awesome was it to see Parenthood‘s Crosby (and baby Aida!) at Will’s poker game on About a Boy? And why couldn’t we have heard more about the Bravermans?
13 | Anyone else surprised by how often, unassuming (and narratively effective) Chicago P.D. and Chicago Fire have crossed over already?
14 | Justified‘s Daryl should let Raylan be the one to kill him, huh? And how funny were Raylan’s repeated “cocoa” references while talking to Kendall about doing hard time for an adult crime?
15 | Demented as he is, would Law & Order: SVU’s William really have taken the time to elaborately string up the Bellevue nurse if he was working with a narrow escape window? Also: If Donal Logue is now the interim SVU boss, does that mean New York City is Gotham..?!
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16 | Can David Cook please please please take over as American Idol‘s in-house mentor for the rest of Season 13? Also: There were wayyy too many shots of Randy Jackson limply following around the Season 7 champ backstage to be accidental, no?
17 | How much is Comedy Central now wishing they hadn’t lost John Oliver to HBO?
18 | Parks and Recreation‘s Adam Scott: One of TV’s best drunks? And while we’re handing out superlatives, was this pregnancy test the show’s best callback ever? (As first seen in the Season 5 finale.)
Yet after a month of great, surprise plot twists, don’t you wish NBC hadn’t basically given away [spoiler]’s pregnancy in the promos? (The same way Peacock promos have telegraphed Shaw’s Chuck return, a big Awake twist, Hannibal‘s season-opening flash-forward…. Oh, we could go on.)
19 | On Scandal, was the timing of Quinn and Huck’s parking garage hook-up a bit suspect? Could one of them been angling to allow Mama Pope access to OPA? Taking it a step further, could it be that Maya actually had no hand in Rowan’s attack?
20 | Are we the only ones who internally groan whenever Kripke shows up on The Big Bang Theory?
Hit the comments with your answers — and any other questions you care to throw out there!
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