Don Lemon pushes back against conservative pundit: 'Everything you just said applies to Donald Trump'

Following President Joe Biden’s speech in Philadelphia, Thursday, on Don Lemon Tonight, Lemon once again got into it with conservative pundit Scott Jennings. Just a night earlier, Lemon called out Jennings for mischaracterizing Biden’s previous statements about the MAGA movement. In his speech, Biden made sure to make a distinction between the average Republican, and what he refers to as the "MAGA Republican," saying that the MAGA crowd is a minority within the party. Jennings attempted to make it sound as though Biden was referring to all Republicans, and oddly enough, seemed to take issue with the fact that Biden would prefer people not vote for far-right candidates.

“You said, I’ve heard you say it today and I heard you say it last night, ‘Well, he didn’t say vote for any Republicans.’ What Republican would he vote for?” Lemon asked Jennings. “Should he vote for the guy in Pennsylvania who is saying that the election was stolen?”

But Jennings pushed his point, again trying to make it seem as though Biden lumped all Republicans together.

“He tries to make a distinction in the speech between the MAGA Republicans that he hates, and then the Republicans he claims he can work with,” Jennings said. “But the core point of the speech is, you shouldn’t be voting for any Republicans. So how can he go out and say I want to work with some Republicans and not others…” “Did you hear him say don’t vote for any Republicans?” Lemon asked, interrupting Jennings. “Did he explicitly say don’t vote for any Republicans?”

And, as Jennings proceeded, Lemon pointed out that there was nothing he was saying that can’t also be said about former President Donald Trump.

“I’m just telling you, no Republican is gonna be persuaded by that,” Jennings said. “And I think having a uni-party state doesn’t sound like much of a democracy to me.” “Okay, I just think that everything you just said applies to Donald Trump,” Lemon retorted. “Everything you just said applies to Donald Trump.”

Don Lemon Tonight airs weeknights at 10 p.m. on CNN.

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