'Don't follow the red hat to hell': Jim Carrey issues a colorful warning against Trump ahead of the midterms

President Trump and Jim Carrey (Photo: Getty Images)
President Trump and Jim Carrey (Photo: Getty Images)

Jim Carrey is urging people to “Vote Democrat” in the upcoming midterm elections. The 56-year-old actor and artist shared his latest drawing on Twitter on Tuesday, pleading with voters to “help save the future.”

“Don’t follow the red hat to hell,” he cautioned.

In the image, a character appearing to be President Trump — with a MAGA hat in hand — is seen leading his followers down a fiery path to, well, hell. Behind him is an eclectic group of white followers, including a female figure carrying a sign that reads, “Women for Hell,” similar to the “Women for Trump” signs that appear at the president’s rallies.

If you’ve been paying attention to Carrey’s artwork in recent months, his message should come as no surprise. He has slammed the GOP while tackling gun violence, immigration, and dozens of political figures in a series of drawings.

Over the weekend, Carrey couldn’t help but get political while receiving the Charlie Chaplin Britannia Award for Excellence in Comedy. “I know this isn’t funny,” he remarked at the end of his speech. “I want to be funny, and I will be again. But things are not very funny these days.”

Carrey noted how Chaplin fought “capitalism without conscience,” adding, “he took on the American right wing of his day on its worst evils: hatred of the immigrant, abuse of power. … We are fighting these same evils today.”

He continued, “Shamelessness is not and will never be a superpower! Kidnapping children is not what great nations do! About half the nation believes that there is a sinister deep-state conspiracy plotting to … do what? Give them health care?”

Carrey dedicated his award “to Christine Blasey Ford” and to “Colin Kaepernick, who will stand for the anthem when the anthem stands for him.”

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