Dr. Pimple Popper -- The Craziest Cyst You've Ever Seen Pours 'CHEEZ WHIZ' Everywhere!!
Dr. Pimple Popper finally got her hands on the craziest pop we have ever seen, and when you see the yellow liquid that pours out of this patient's neck you will never ever be able to unsee it!!!
In the video, Dr. Sandra Lee targets several cyst's on the back of a gentlemen's neck. To begin, she takes on the "big one" and decides to slice it right down the middle.
Almost immediately, a yellow and orange cheese-like liquid comes POURING out of this it and it is CRAZY! This is unlike anything we have ever seen...even as popaholics!
Dr Pimple Popper -- Watch This Earlobe POUR Out A River Of Puss!!
Dr. Pimple Popper -- Cyst So Deep It Takes THREE Squeezes To Get It All Out!
Dr. Pimple Popper -- This Cyst Crawls Out Of A Face Like It Is ALIVE!!
Dr. Pimple Popper -- See The Shocking 'Loaded Cauliflower' Blackhead Get Popped!
Dr. Pimple Popper -- 'Punches' Massive Whitehead Out Of Patient's Face!
Check Out The Cheese Sauce POUR!!
The initial explosion is crazy...but it's nothing compared to when the doctor gets her hands on it and squeezes.
"Cheez Whiz," one person wrote! "Cheddar," another said.
We hate to say they are right...but man on this one there is nothing else you can compare it too! It's a river of cheez whiz pouring out of the neck!
"Well that takes cheese soup to a whole nother level!" someone added. We agree, not sure we can ever order that again...
Dr. Sandra Lee captioned the Instagram video, "The sac or the pop, which is your favorite part?!" I think you know the answer for us...what do you think?
Keep Watching This Thing POUR...
This Can't Be REAL!!!!
"I can’t stop watching! ??" a fan wrote.
And...."I smelled that??"
To answer the good doctors' question one person said, "The pop! Cheese sauce ??" We have to agree...not sure the sac had a fair shot on this one when the pop is one of the best we've ever seen!
"The pop is so dramatic and fantastic. Though the sac removal gives a feeling of completion. To know that something that affected a person's self-esteem is forever gone," a fan posted on Instagram.
That may be true...but I think the cheese sauces takes the prize on this one...
It Just Won't Stop Pouring!
The color and the size of this explosion has social media going nuts...and of course, the food references just won't stop!
"Oooo butterscotch," one person called it. Adding, "Ewww wasn’t expecting that color."
One fan even decided this might be the one that puts them over the edge, "Okay, I think I finally found my limit on the pimple popping that I can tolerate!" Ya, it's that good!
Here is the bottom line...if you are a pure popaholic, this one will give the ultimate satisfaction. It's insane! If not, you may not be cut out for the world of Dr. Pimple Popper!
See The Abscess Waterfall...
The only other time anything has held a candle to the 'cheez whiz' pop is the abscess waterfall...so here it is!
This may be a close second to the craziest thing we have seen on Dr. Pimple Popper...and in this case, as you can see, they needed a drip pan to collect all of the brown liquid that came pouring out of this thing!
It didn't even need much of a squeeze! -- Just slice the top open and watch the river flow!!
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