Dwayne Johnson tackles the topic of mental health and depression on 'Young Rock'

On Tuesday's episode of Dwayne Johnson's new NBC sitcom Young Rock, which is based on the actor and former professional wrestler's life, the topics of depression and mental health were discussed during a scene in which Johnson's father was giving him some great advice.

After tearing ligaments in his shoulder during football practice, Johnson was benched for an entire season before it even began, after seemingly destined to become the University of Miami's newest star. The injury subsequently sent young Rock into a deep depression that lasted for months.

However, while working out with his father, Johnson's dad tells his son that he can't give up and he has to keep fighting, as he explains, "You can't dwell on that. If you let yourself get stuck there, you're going to stay stuck there. That thing, that voice in your head, that's fear. It's trying to make you doubt yourself, trying to steal your confidence. But you can't let it. You got to tune it out and keep going."

The episode then flashes forward to the real-life Johnson during an interview, who shares, "My dad was just letting me know that I wasn't alone, and that's what I want to share with your audience, Kenny, is that you're not alone. If you're going through it and you're struggling and you're depressed, you're not alone, and it's OK to ask for help. Asking for help isn't a weakness. Asking for help is actually our superpower."

Viewers loved Johnson's message about the strength in asking for help, and took to Twitter following Tuesday night's episode to praise both the Rock and the show:

Young Rock airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. on NBC.

Watch the three young stars of Young Rock talk fanny packs, getting shredded, and ‘staches:

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