Entertainmeny Geekly podcast: All about 'Avengers'
Darren Franich
Entertainmeny Geekly podcast: All about 'Avengers'
Entertainment Geekly: The past, present, and future of 'The Avengers'
Jeffrey Neira/FOX
This week on Entertainment Geekly we talk all about The Avengers, the Marvel mega-sequel which united four different franchises into one massive — and successful — blockbuster. Join us as we dig into what made the movie good — the Joss Whedon of it all! — and as we try to ponder where the Marvel movies will go from here.
Listen to the complete podcast below, or check us out in the iTunes store. Tell us what you thought about Avengers, and if you’re feeling extra-creative, tweet your pitch for Hawkeye: The Movie to us at @EWDocJensen and @EWDarrenFranich.
Read more:
Entertainment Geekly’s Guide to this Summer’s Geekiest Blockbusters