FBI: International’s Vinessa Vidotto Opens Up About Vo’s Fate (‘It Was a Surprise’) and the One Scene She Will ‘Never Forget’
The following contains spoilers from the Jan 28 winter premiere of CBS’ FBI: International.
Fans of FBI: International‘s Special Agent Cameron Vo were really put through the wringer this winter, having to wait six long weeks to see if she would survive being shot during the fall finale’s manhunt for Greg Csonka.
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And even when the winter premiere rolled around on Tuesday night, the outlook was not good. Vo was “stable,” the surgeon reported at the top of the hour, “but to due to extensive soft tissue damage near her collarbone, the frisk of infection is extremely high.
And “if an infection does take hold, especially in that area…,” well, the doctor couldn’t even bring herself to finish that thought.
When all was said and done, some 40 minutes (and the fatal shooting of Csonka later), Raines, Smitty et al got the good word from Celeste, who was camped out at the hospital.
“Cameron is in recovery. She’s going to be OK!”
The Fly Team raised a glass to that news, and so did we, at least in spirit.
Here, original cast member Vinessa Vidotto opens up about sweating out V’s fate herself, and more.
TVLINE | When you received the script for the previous episode, where Vo gets shot, were you given a heads-up on where this was going on, what her arc would be?
Nope. Nope. [Laughs] Yeah. It was a surprise. [Laughs more]
TVLINE | Oh my God…
It’s shocking. It’s exciting. I was intrigued, because the way I went down was worth it, because it was such a good script, it was so delicious. And it wasn’t hard to perform. There are some challenging days as an actor if the scene is difficult or whatever it may be, but those scenes that I got to do before he “kills” me/shoots me, I was like, “OK, that’s the way I want to go down. Worth it!”
TVLINE | When we come back in the next episode, is there going to be a bit of a time jump, or will Vo be riding a desk for a bit? Her injury was pretty severe,
There’s going to be a time jump. With this show and with what the Fly Team is, we move very fast and you’ve got to move on. It’s like SEAL Team Six, if you cant recover quickly and you’re not mentally strong to recover, then I think you can’t be on the Fy Team. You have to be very resilient and move forward. Of course, it would be nice to see the recovery and vulnerable moments, but… Vo is also just hungry. She can’t sit around, she wants to help in any way she can. She feels like maybe she’s got to prove herself again. But maybe she’s too hard on herself?
TVLINE | The team was so worried about her. Poor Raines was on edge!
I know. I know. I saw that scene where they’re all watery-eyed outside the hospital. I was not expecting that because I was inside the hospital, laying on the ambulance bed. I didn’t know what they were filming out there, so when I watched that I was like, “Oh!”
TVLINE | Is Vo changed at all by this cheating of death? Will there be any PTS?
I don’t know if we’ll see it, but as with anybody I’m sure that if you’ve been shot and almost died, that affects you in some way. You’ll see life in a very different way.
TVLINE | Your co-stars all got a field trip to France for this episode?
They did!
TVLINE | But you didn’t, since you were not in it.
Correct. I could have [gone to France] but I went back to L.A. to stock up on deodorant that you can’t get over here in Europe and what not.
TVLINE | The “good stuff”?
The good stuff.
TVLINE | What else can you tease about the back half of the season?
Just that it’s bigger and better. I know every show says that, and everybody says that, but I kid you not it gets bigger and crazier, because it’s FBI: International. And once you go big, you can’t go smaller. And there’s just so much opportunity out here in Europe to do wild, crazy storylines. You saw in [Episode] 8 a fire truck literally rammed into a cop car. Like, who gets to write that? “Yeah, I want a fire truck to hit a police car.” “Yes, we can do that, for network TV.” Crazy.
TVLINE | Is there any early buzz on the finale? Any gossip?
No. And if I knew, I wouldn’t tell you.
TVLINE | Let’s see, you already blew up the team’s headquarters…. And for last season’s finale—
We were on a ski jump! [The finale was filmed on location at the Olympic ski jump site in Holmenkollbakken]. We were in Oslo on a legit ski jump. And there was wind. Real wind. But then we also had the fans going, so it was wind on wind. I was like, “That’s a wind-wind situation!” [Laughs] And it was raining, so the rain was slanted, right? And then there was a huge helicopter [added later with VFX], so we have to, like, “shoot” at it, and our director was like holding his little monitor, jumping around.
I’m not in that shot for that one, so me and Carter [Redwood] are in the back just cracking up. We were like, “I cannot believe this is our job.” We’re on a ski jump in Norway, our director is jumping up and down like crazy, we’re pretending there’s a helicopter in the sky, we have these guns…. It was so funny and amazing and something I will never forget.
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