'Fear the Walking Dead' Brain-Dead Move of the Week: Don't Fence Madison In


Every week on Fear the Walking Dead, someone does something stupid that needlessly endangers the lives of themselves and others. Here, we commemorate those decisions in the hopes that they won’t be repeated. But of course, they know they will be.

Things are actually looking pretty sweet this week on Fear the Walking Dead. The military has established a no-zombie zone with a six-mile radius around Madison’s house. Travis is able to go for a morning jog while Nick lounges in the pool like a college freshman on spring break. In fact, we didn’t see a single walker… which made things kind of boring, to be honest.

But don’t worry: This is the Walking Dead franchise, so naturally, someone took this precious sphere of safety and stuck a big fat needle into it. And this week, that someone was Madison.

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Madison should be thanking her lucky stars that she and her entire family are all together and have somehow managed to escape being zombie-fied (despite making some incredibly moronic decisions). But no, that’s not enough for her, apparently. She had to risk it all this week for… well, we’re still not sure for what.

Travis’s son Chris has been seeing flashes of light from a house a few miles away. The military said they cleared out that area, but they were obviously lying. But still… who cares? You’ve got a great situation here, guys; don’t mess it up by asking too many questions.

Travis ignored his son’s concerns (the first smart thing he’s done in weeks), but Madison took his worries to heart and went out searching for the truth. She snuck out to the perimeter fence, cut a hole in it (!), and shimmied through it to find out what’s really happening on the other side.


You gonna seal up that hole again, maybe, so no walkers can get in? No? Okay, cool.

On the other side of the fence, Madison was overwhelmed by the stench of dead bodies, and found one that didn’t look like it had turned yet, with a gun lying nearby. (Pick up that gun, dammit!) But before she could, a military vehicle drove up, forcing her to hide underneath a car. She wasn’t alone, though.


All in all, Madison is damn lucky she got back home without getting bitten, or discovered. The military guys made it very clear: Anyone circumventing the perimeter “will be detained.” And we know what happens to people who get “detained” — actually, we don’t, because we never see them again. But we know it’s not good.

Why did Madison have to risk her life — and cut that gaping hole in the fence, which is still open, for all we know — to know the military is full of it? We know that, and we’re just watching from home! All in all, it’s best to lay low and not arouse suspicions. And enjoy your sphere of safety! You can go out and hunt for the truth all you want; we’ll be lounging by the pool with Nick.

Runners-Up: Alicia, for giving herself a makeshift tattoo by stabbing herself in the arm with a needle — not a great idea under normal circumstances, but especially when there’s an unidentified virus floating around… the new military guy, for his illicit rendezvous with Daniel’s daughter Ofelia. Haven’t you ever seen a horror movie before? The zombie apocalypse is no time for humping, sergeant!

Fear the Walking Dead airs Sundays at 9 p.m. on AMC.