First among equals: Borynack gets Distinguished Citizen Award at United Way celebration
Longtime Palm Beach resident and gallerist James Borynack was the surprised honoree at an evening honoring the major donors to the Town of Palm Beach United Way.
The Alexis de Tocqueville Society Dinner took place March 27 at Club Colette.
More Palm Beach society news here.
Borynack's surprise at receiving the Distinguished Citizen Award is, in itself, a surrpise. Not that he doesn't deserve it; his list of charitable initiatives is longer than Michael Jordan's arm.
But in the dinner's 32 years, the awardee has always been unknown until the moment of presentation. The details of the night and the honoree are planned months in advance, and all involved are expected to keep it a secret.
A secret.
In Palm Beach.
Good luck with that.
But surprised he was, as DeTocqueville Society chairwoman Susan Wright reeled off the list of his charitable endeavors: loyal contributor to the Town of Palm Beach United Way for 26 years ... Board of Trustees ... Red Feather Committee ... donor to TPBUW's Hurricane Ian Recovery Fund, Ukraine Refugee Fund, Hunger Relief Fund and COVID-19 Emergency Fund ... donor to the annual school supply, toy and food drives ... Turkey Trot sponsor ... gracious and tireless host of charity events at Findlay Galleries.
The Distinguished Citizen Award is given each year to an individual or individuals who embody the spirit of philanthropy. They are community champions who have made numerous and long-lasting contributions to the health and welfare of Palm Beach County.
Past honorees include Irene and Jim Karp, Norma and Bill Tiefel, Jana and John Scarpa, Michele Kessler, Tom Quick, Lesly Smith, Danielle Moore and Paul Leone.
“Jimmy Borynack represents the very best in our society, bringing talent, expertise, originality, friendship and empathy to every business endeavor, non-profit position and community role he undertakes,” said Board Chairman Bill Tiefel. “From children and families to hospice patients to artists, Jimmy Borynack goes above and beyond to serve others.”
Tocqueville Society members contribute $10,000 or more each year to the Town of Palm Beach United Way’s Annual Campaign. Susan and Bob Wright are co-chairs of this year’s Tocqueville Society. To date, members have raised more than $5.4 million on a goal of $4.2 million.
“It has been an honor for us to lead fundraising efforts as co-chairs of the Tocqueville campaign,” said Wright, who presented the award to Borynack. "The Town of Palm Beach United Way is a remarkable organization, with devoted supporters, that does so much to improve our community. We are grateful to be a part of the United Way, and we thank all of our friends and neighbors who have helped make this year such a wonderful success.”
Contributions to the Tocqueville Society represent more than 80% of the Town of Palm Beach United Way’s Annual Campaign. Funds are currently helping support 77 health and human service programs at 41 nonprofit agencies in Palm Beach County that in turn serve more than 300,000 children and adults each year.
“Tocqueville members set the standard for exceptional giving,” said General Campaign Chairman Richard Rothschild. “Their leadership gifts transform lives and communities. I cannot thank our Tocqueville donors enough for the remarkable impact they make in Palm Beach County.”
The evening also included cocktail reception on the terrace, dinner, and dancing.
More than 150 people attended.
This article originally appeared on Palm Beach Daily News: United Way's de Tocqueville Society honors James Borynack
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