Many, Many Times Celebs Were Just Plain Awful Towards "Normal" Folks

We recently shared a post where the Reddit community revealed the worst celebrity encounters they've ever had.

William Jackson Harper on "The Good Place"

Unfortunately, their experiences were very disappointing and just plain bad — but they inspired our BuzzFeed Community to share some of their own encounters they say they had with celebs.

Jennifer Lawrence on "Hot Ones"
Complex Media

So, here are some awful encounters "regular" people say they have had with famous people:

Note: Some stories were pulled from this Reddit thread by user u/pissed_at_everything.

Disclaimer: We can't confirm the accuracy of these stories, but these people are supposedly speaking from their own experiences meeting celebrities.

1.Adam Levine

Adam Levine in 2013
Cindy Ord / Getty Images

"The worst celeb I’ve met was Adam Levine while living in NYC. I didn’t even do anything but give him a smile at a restaurant. He gave me a dirty look, but I just thought he already had so many people approaching him. I just stayed in my seat to be mindful of that. He ended up being very arrogant, unprofessional, disrespectful, and rude to the waiters and staff. He was yelling at waiters for petty issues. He was a total 'Karen.'"


2.Dennis Rodman

Dennis Rodman in 2013
Jamie Mccarthy / WireImage / Getty Images

"My husband and his friend met Dennis Rodman at a nightclub once. He hung out with them most of the night, ordering expensive bottles. Next thing you know, Dennis 'went to the bathroom' and never returned. My husband and his friend got the bill, but they didn’t have that kind of money. They explained that they weren’t the ones who ordered all that stuff. They ended up getting kicked out of the club, and the friend was actually there because his place of business had some kind of deal with the club. He got fired from his job because of the incident."


3.An Olsen twin

Ashley Olsen and Mary-Kate Olsen in 2017
Dimitrios Kambouris / Getty Images

"I was out for a birthday with about eight people, and one of the Olsen twins was there (I have no idea which one). She was at the counter with one of her handlers/bodyguards. We were all talking about her and her twin. We weren’t yelling — just talking. Her bodyguard approached us and asked us to stop looking at her. We were aghast that she had her bodyguard come over to us to tell us to stop looking at her. We were all taken aback and ignored her, but we were pissed. Looking back, I can think of all kinds of things we might've said. But I don’t like that Olsen twin anymore (whichever twin it was). That experience has left a permanent bad taste in my mouth."


4.David Cross

David Cross in 2017
Mark Sagliocco / Getty Images

"David Cross is the biggest jerk I have worked with by far. He's the only person I've worked closely with who I would describe as a 'monster.' Absolutely harsh and mean to everyone around him — really mean to the crew. When he feels like being nice and 'normal' he can pull that off, but otherwise, he seems like he wants to destroy you for no reason. He will openly mock you while you try to do your job. He's extremely in front of the scenes."


5.Katharine McPhee

David Foster and Katharine McPhee in 2023
Araya Doheny / Getty Images for Breakthrough Prize

"I met Katharine McPhee and David Foster once. As a fan of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and power ballads [Foster has written], I know their work pretty well. I was standing right next to them at an event. I said a quick hello, and Katharine was awful, and David was lovely. She just scowled at me. David said hi, how are you, and we chatted for like a moment. Then he said he hoped I’d enjoy the event."


6.Andrew Liner

Andrew Liner on "Vampire Academy"
Peacock / Jose Haro/Peacock via Getty Images

"The rudest celeb I’ve met is Andrew Liner. I was on a TV show with him, and while I was talking to my friends, he cut me off, started talking to them, and completely ignored me (as if he was above me). My friends were so confused about why, but I guess he didn't like me. He would bump into me on purpose and didn’t even say excuse me. He's a pretty smug and arrogant dude."



Jewel in 2019
Steve Jennings / WireImage / Getty Images

"At the height of Jewel's singing career, my friends and I won tickets to her soundcheck before the show. We were so excited, but that excitement quickly turned into major disappointment. A group of roughly 10 of us were watching her warm up for several minutes. After a while, she said, 'I was told I had to say hi to you guys.' I was 'told???' Like, WTF? She was never the same in my eyes after that."


8.William Shatner

William Shatner in 2018
Alberto E. Rodriguez / Getty Images

"William Shatner said he would give me an autograph in Hawaii when I was about 10 years old. He said, 'Let me get a pen,' got in his limo, and then drove off."


9.Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino

Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino in 2023
Jamie Mccarthy / Getty Images

"I was waitressing at a brand-new restaurant in Las Vegas, and as a reward for all my hard work, the head manager was paying for all the staff to go to a new nightclub in the same hotel. Well, I didn’t get to go because my manager told me a VIP guest was coming in with his friends and he needed me to stay back because I was his strongest server. This was around when Jersey Shore was super popular, and the VIP guest was 'The Situation.' I waited on him and 12 of his friends for three hours until 2 a.m. He was super rude and dismissive, he got a couple thousand dollars comped and DIDN’T TIP A SINGLE DIME (despite being waited on hand and foot and treated like a king). I have forever since called him the 'stiff-uation' to other people. Thanks a lot for ruining what was supposed to be a fun night with my coworkers, bro."


10.Coby Dick from Papa Roach

Coby Dick from Papa Roach in 2014
Ethan Miller / Getty Images

"I was 18 and made it backstage to Ozzfest in 2001. It was a dream come true, and I was lucky enough to sneak in a disposable camera! I met and took pictures with several musicians — everyone was extremely nice. But Coby Dick from Papa Roach was, well, a dick. Even his picture with me shows disgust in his face. I don't want to toot my own horn, but I was a pretty girl with long hair and a crop top, so everyone was flirty and very welcoming."


11.Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton in 2022
Shaun Botterill - Fifa / FIFA via Getty Images

"My wife worked at a hotel for many years and met literally every major celebrity you can think of. She said Snoop Dogg was the coolest person she ever met, but Bill Clinton was the biggest jerk. My wife was walking outside back into the hotel, saw Bill, and stared until she smashed herself in the face with a tree branch. Bill started laughing so hard that he was having a hard time standing. The Secret Service ran over to help her, and Bill, laughing so hard he could barely talk, told them to leave her because they had to keep walking."


12.And John Mayer

John Mayer in 2024
Michael Buckner / Variety via Getty Images

"EASILY John Mayer — I met him at an awards show over 10 years ago, and he would not stop quoting a sexist joke from South Park. Everybody around him just laughed awkwardly — every word out of his mouth was a mean and sarcastic joke I was supposed to find funny, but ultimately didn't. I distinctly remember he made another joke that was really off-putting, and I was like, 'Dude...' and he responded with, 'Oh, come on — don't be a butthead.' He called me a butthead because I didn't laugh at his cruel joke."


Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

Let's flip the script a little bit here: Have you ever met a celeb who was so down-to-earth that they hung out with you? Share your story with us in the comments below (or in this Google Form if you want to remain anonymous).

Lady Gaga in "A Star Is Born" (2018)
Warner Bros. Pictures

The best submissions will be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!