Footage Of Ridley Scott's New Napoleon Movie Just Debuted, And People Can’t Stop Talking About The Battle Sequence On Frozen Ice

 PARIS, FRANCE - SEPTEMBER 24: Ridley Scott attends the French premiere of 20th Century Studios' "The Last Duel" at cinema Gaumont Champs Elysees on September 24, 2021 in Paris, France.
PARIS, FRANCE - SEPTEMBER 24: Ridley Scott attends the French premiere of 20th Century Studios' "The Last Duel" at cinema Gaumont Champs Elysees on September 24, 2021 in Paris, France.

CinemaCon is happening this week and while that usually means that those in attendance, and sometimes the rest of us, get a peek at some of the big movies to come in the next year, we usually have a pretty good idea of what sort of news we’re going to get before we get it. There usually aren’t a lot of surprises, outside of last year's Olivia Wilde drama that was not movie related, but when those surprises do happen, it can be quite exciting, and that’s the vibe coming from Ridley Scott’s Napoleon.

Joaquin Phoenix will star as the title character in the new film directed by Ridley Scott. The movie is being produced for Apple TV+, and perhaps because the movie was being set for a streaming platform, people were not expecting quite what they saw when the first footage debuted at CinemaCon, but the buzz coming off what was seen is quite significant. Our own Sean O’Connell was quite impressed.

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The sequence showed Napoleon’s forces pushing an enemy army back onto a frozen lake, at which point they opened fire with canons. According to reports, the sequence was suitably epic and beautifully shot. Assuming that the rest of Napoleon is as good as this scene, this movie is going to be one to look forward to.

And if you think a movie like this sounds like it needs to be seen on a bigger screen than the one you have at home, there’s good news. Sony announced that Napoleon will see a full theatrical release prior to arriving on Apple TV+. Traditionally if movies made for streaming platforms open in theaters, it’s just enough to qualify for awards. Previously streamers like Netflix have indicated theatrical distribution is not a focus. However, this one will get a much more traditional theatrical rollout before being available to those with an Apple TV+ subscription.

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Sony closed its presentation with Napoleon, and traditionally each studio ends its time with something especially big or highly anticipated. This might have made some at CinemaCon scratch their heads as to why Napoleon was being given that spot, but now, we know. Napoleon might not have been a highly anticipated film before, but it is now.

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Ridley Scott is certainly no stranger to creating epic movies but those films don’t always capture an audience. The Last Duel was a hit with critics, and generally with the fans that saw it but the Last Duel box office crashed fairly hard. His last film, The House of Gucci, did a bit better in theaters but was far from a massive hit, and it didn’t review quite as well. While it’s certainly too early to know for sure, perhaps Napoleon will be the movie that will bring everything together for Scott once again.

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Napoleon is set to open in theaters in November. With it getting a full theatrical release, it may not arrive on Apple TV+ until early next year, but as this one certainly feels like it’s looking for awards consideration even those that don’t go to the theater will be able to check it out before the Oscars. If Napoleon is a hit with both critics and audiences, one wonders if it might impact the way that streaming movies approach theatrical distribution going forward.