Fox News host Neil Cavuto doesn't back down after Trump tweets at him during the show

Fox News’s Neil Cavuto and a contributor to his show found themselves the subjects of a lengthy tirade by President Donald Trump at his rally in Colorado Thursday night. For roughly ten minutes, Trump went on about his performances in the 2016 debates, holding up papers with polls showing how well he did in the debates, and taking the occasional shot at Cavuto and the contributor, A.B. Stoddard of RealClearPolitics.

While taking his standard shots at the media, Trump added, “Fox is not that much better, we just got lucky ‘cause we have some … all their high-rated shows are the shows that like Trump. All their loser shows, like Cavuto, are the shows that don’t like Trump.”

Earlier in the day while discussing Mike Bloomberg’s dreadful performance in the Democratic debate Wednesday night, Stoddard mentioned Trump’s poor showings in the 2016 debates.

“I think that Donald Trump had disastrous debate performances,” Stoddard said. “Many answers were so cringeworthy you just couldn’t even believe he was still standing on the stage, and he’s president.”

A short time later, Trump posted a tweet calling Stoddard a Trump-hater, and claiming to have won every debate in 2016 from beginning to end. Cavuto earned his spot in Trump’s diatribe by correcting the president at the end of his show.

“Just to point out, he did not,” Cavuto said. “When you look at polls that came out from Fox, NBC, CNN, Politico, YouGov and a host of others, the initial read was that he had failed to do well in those debates. He ultimately won, but he didn’t poll well in those debates.”

Following the Trump tirade, Fox Business host Trish Regan came to Cavuto’s defense.

“[Cavuto] is someone who started this network, Fox Business, and someone who is the utmost journalist and always fair. I can tell you that about Neil. He is a fair person, a fair guy and a good man,” Regan said. “So I’m disappointed that the president said those things because Neil Cavuto, because is one guy who just doesn’t deserve it.”

Your World With Neil Cavuto airs weekdays at 4 p.m. on Fox News Channel.

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