'Fresh Off the Boat' Sneak Peek: Do the Halloween Humpty Hump
Trick or T! It’s the first Halloween in the suburbs for the Huangs, and Louis (Randall Park) is pulling off a mean Mr. T. But what’s up with those kiddie “Silence of the Lambs” costumes? Ah, who are we kidding? Somehow little Evan even manages to make Hannibal Lecter look adorable.

In the above sneak peek clip from the upcoming Fresh Off the Boat Halloween episode, “Miracle on Dead Street,” Louis (Randall Park) is completely clueless when it comes to his sons’ Halloween costumes. Not only does he confuse Evan and Emery’s (Ian Chen, Forrest Wheeler) “Silence of the Lambs” tribute for a UPS delivery lamb and a lazy goalie, but he really needs to brush up on his pop culture when it comes to Eddie’s (Hudson Yang) outfit. While the diehard hip-hop fan is dressed as the legendary Humpty Hump, Louis thinks his kid looks more like Ross Perot than the alter ego of Digital Underground leader Shock G.

We think Louis is showing his age, because Eddie’s ensemble looks like the real deal to us. Besides, can you picture Perot in Groucho glasses and a Humpty hat?

The Fresh Off the Boat episode “Miracle on Dead Street” airs Tuesday, Oct. 27 at 8:30 p.m. on ABC.