Gabi Is Finally Free On Days of Our Lives June 27

Gabi is finally free, but what is that going to cost EJ?
Gabi is finally free, but what is that going to cost EJ?

After getting Melinda a rock-solid immunity deal, she turned over Clyde’s little black book, and Gabi was freed on the June 27 episode of Days of Our Lives. But Melinda has a trick up her sleeve that no one saw coming.

A New Gabi Is Upon Us

There was a lot of back-and-forth, will she or won’t she, will he or won’t he, going on in this episode. There were moments when it looked like EJ (Daniel Feuerriegel) wouldn’t deliver on his promise to free Gabi. Then, there were moments when it looked like Melinda (Tina Huang) wouldn’t give up the black book. Blame upon blame was tossed around until EJ finally agreed to give Melinda an airtight immunity deal for her involvement in the whole baby switch mess. When she got it, she turned over the book, and Gabi was released — now played by Cherie Jimenez.

Newcomer Jimenez was actually introduced briefly at the end of the June 26 episode, and today, we got to see her interact with Stefan (Brandon Barash) and get a feel for this new Gabi, who isn’t much different than the old, which is a relief. We’re so looking forward to whatever hijinks this freed Gabi will be up to, but hopefully, they won’t land her back in prison any time soon. Now that Gabi is no longer in jail and recast, can Li (Remington Hoffman) be far behind? Sure, he’s dead, but when has that ever stopped anyone in Salem?

Melinda Took EJ by Surprise

She walked into the DiMera mansion just as EJ was grabbing a drink and thanked him for the immunity deal, which he stated that she “didn’t deserve.” She explained that the deal was freeing for her, “Especially now that there is nothing you can do to me when I tell Nicole (Arianne Zucker) that Eric (Greg Vaughan) is Jude’s (Oliver McLarty) father.” Melinda felt that having her ousted for a second time as DA blew up her life, so she intended to blow up EJ’s life in return. Of course, Nicole walked in at the end of their conversation and asked what was going on, leaving us on a cliffhanger. (Learn about Melinda’s role in the baby swap debacle.)

Melinda turning around and enacting an unexpected move was certainly a surprise, and now she has EJ right where she wants him. If Melinda tells Nicole immediately, she probably will get the momentary satisfaction of detonating a bomb in their marriage, but she’s craftier than that. Her best bet is to sit on that information and make EJ squirm as he gives in to her demands because we all know he’ll do anything to save his marriage to Nicole. We shall see what hand Melinda plays.

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