GAME OF THRONES’ Gwendoline Christie Says Tormund and Brienne’s Love Affair Continues Off Screen
However you might feel about the last few seasons of HBO’s Game Of Thrones, the one thing that everyone seems to agree on is how awesome the “will they, won’t they” romance between Brienne of Tarth and Tormund Giantsbane is. Whatever our hopes are for the Iron Throne, who survives, and who gets killed absolutely pales in comparison to how much we care about those two beautiful giants getting together to make adorable giant babies. Recently, Seth Myers had some questions for actress Gwendoline Christie about the Westorosi Ross and Rachel.
In the clip from Late Night with Seth Meyers, Christie shared how she wasn’t fully prepared for how energetic Tormund would be in his ogling of Brienne, nor for the fact that Kristofer Hivju would stay in character from time to time while the cameras weren’t rolling. She recalls one particular instance in which Hivju performed Tormund’s all-consuming passion for Brienne while chowing down on a sandwich during a cast break.Apparently, the caliber of Tormund’s love for Brienne is all Hivju. Christie said that, in a Game of Thrones episode featuring an early insinuation of his crush on her, the script simply called for Tormund to “give Brienne a look.” As Christie went on to say, she wasn’t expecting the “magnitude of the intense sexual tension to pour out of a man’s eyes.”Just goes to show you what a good actor can do with a little direction.What do you think of the great one-sided love story that is Tormund and Brienne, and how far Hivju has taken it beyond the cameras? Let us know!
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