Gary Glitter Forced to Return to UK Prison One Month After Early Release

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Gary Glitter, the convicted pedophile and former English glam-rock star, has been ordered to return to UK prison one month after his early release in February.

The UK’s Probation Service confirmed on Monday that Glitter (née Paul Gadd) had breached his “licence,” or bail, conditions and would remain in custody until his re-release has been determined by the country’s Parole Board. Glitter had already served half of his original 16-year sentence for sexually abusing three underage girls before he was freed in early February.

“Protecting the public is our number one priority,” a spokesperson for the Probation Service shared. “That’s why we set tough licence conditions and when offenders breach them, we don’t hesitate to return them to custody.” These conditions included regular monitoring by police and the Probation Service as well as a constant GPS tracker.

According to The Daily Mail UK, Glitter was allegedly filmed “asking how to avoid detection when web browsing” and “trying to access the Dark Web on his phone” while living under supervised release in a bail hostel. Prior to his latest arrest, Glitter’s stay at the temporary residence incited protests among locals, who demanded the disgraced celebrity be removed.

“The Most Evil Musician of All Time” reached notoriety in the mid-’70s for hit singles like “Rock and Roll (Parts One and Two),” “I’m the Leader of the Gang (I Am),” and “I Love You Love Me Love.” He then gained infamy in 1999 after being convicted for possessing child pornography, and later in 2006 for sexually abusing two underage girls in Vietnam and serving over two years in prison.

Gary Glitter Forced to Return to UK Prison One Month After Early Release
Bryan Kress

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