Geraldo Rivera and Dan Bongino continue fiery feud on ‘Hannity’: ‘You are so full of crap!’

Fox News correspondent-at-large Geraldo Rivera and conservative pundit Dan Bongino, who have butted heads multiple times this year, once again renewed their heated feud Thursday on Hannity.

This time they were sparring over how the Biden administration has been handling COVID at the southern borders where thousands of COVID-positive migrants are reportedly being let into the country. At least, that’s what they were supposed to be discussing. Instead, Rivera quickly began criticizing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and Bongino, who lives in Florida, was quick to jump in and defy what Geraldo was saying.

In what was a messy couple of minutes mostly consisting of them talking over each other and arguing back and forth, Rivera said things like “you’re so full of crap” and called Bongino “a cheap-shot artist.” Bongino responded with comments like, “it’s not my fault you don't research anything before you come on the air.”

And while it doesn’t seem like much was accomplished during the segment, viewers on social media definitely enjoyed the show, with one person even calling it “Emmy worthy.”

There have been multiple times since April that the pair have gotten into it on the air, an ever-growing feud that includes butting heads over police killings of Black Americans, and getting heated over Israeli-Palestinian violence. So at this point, you could say they’re getting pretty good at it.

Hannity airs weeknights at 9 p.m. on Fox News Channel.

Watch what Florida congressman Charlie Crist had to say about his Governor Ron DeSantis:

Read more from Yahoo Entertainment:

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