‘Gilmore Girls’ actor Kelly Bishop reveals her favorite of Rory’s boyfriends in new memoir

Matt Czuchry as Logan / Jared Padalecki as Dean / Milo Ventimiglia as Jess (Alamy Stock Photo)
Logan (Matt Czuchry), Dean (Jared Padalecki) and Jess (Milo Ventimiglia) in "Gilmore Girls."

Team Dean, Team Jess or Team Logan? "Gilmore Girls" fans have always debated the appeal of Rory Gilmore's (Alexis Bledel) three boyfriends.

Kelly Bishop, who played Rory’s sophisticated and snappy grandmother Emily in the series, reveals who she thinks was the best partner to Rory in her new memoir, “The Third Gilmore Girl,” out September 17.

Deciding between wide-eyed Dean (Jared Padalecki), bookish bad boy Jess (Milo Ventimiglia) or mature, moneyed Logan (Matt Czuchry), Bishop has an easy answer.

"Logan took a more manly approach that I thought worked perfectly as a partner for Rory," she writes in the book. Bishop adds that all the young actors were "terrific, on and off screen."

While Bishop says she doesn't share much in common with her "Gilmore Girls" character, this is a very "Emily" opinion.

Logan, who comes from the prominent Huntzberger family, is unlike Rory’s two humble high school boyfriends, Dean and Jess.

Logan’s old money roots rub some viewers the wrong way, though they’re uncomfortably familiar to Rory, whose wealthy grandparents have a longstanding relationship with his parents.

The two date for nearly two years during their mutual tenure at Yale University but the relationship comes to a surprising end in the series finale when Rory turns down an engagement proposal from Logan.

Bishop also weighs in on another debate: The mystery of who got Rory pregnant in the 2016 Netflix miniseries, ‘Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life.’

Flash forward eight years after the finale and Rory and Logan, who are both in relationships with other people, reunite in London and start an affair.

The controversial pairing led to a major plot twist in the final episode of the Netflix spinoff: Rory, now 32, is pregnant and the identity of the father is unknown to viewers. Many suspect that Logan is the father — including Bishop.

“I personally think it was Logan, by the way. I was always Team Logan,” Bishop writes in the book.

Bishop also writes about the last four words Rory and her mom, Lorelei (Lauren Graham), exchange in the series.

"Mom?" Rory asks.

"Yeah?" Lorelai responds.

"I'm pregnant," Rory says.

The mic drop moment implies that Rory is now embarking on a journey of single motherhood, like her own mother once did.

kelly bishop (Chad Griffith)
Kelly Bishop is Team Logan.

"Those mysterious last four words... struck me as more interesting than infuriating, since it opened debates among viewers to decide who Rory was pregnant by, and what the repercussions would be,” Bishop writes in her memoir.

If "Gilmore Girls" creator Amy Sherman-Palladino had it her way, viewers wouldn’t invest in any debate over which boyfriend was the best for Rory.

“Sometimes I wish that the Dean and Jess thing weren’t so prominent because in the grand scheme of Rory’s life, who her boyfriend was when she was 16 years old is such a small event,” Sherman-Palladino said in a 2016 Time Magazine interview.

Sherman-Palladino, who wrote the foreword to Bishop’s highly anticipated memoir, added that she has “such great affection for all three of these boys as actors and as people.”

This article was originally published on TODAY.com