Going to Phoenix Fan Fusion this weekend? Here's how to approach your favorite cosplayers

As major fan conventions like Phoenix Fan Fusion and San Diego Comic Con make triumphant returns this year, newcomers and returning guests alike might be out of practice when it comes to interacting with such large swaths of people after three years.

“Since the pandemic, a lot more people have gone into fandom and nerd things,” said Imani Jackson, a 23-year-old from Phoenix who goes by the stage name Cosplay Choco.

“I think that there is certain etiquette when it comes to cosplaying that I feel like normal people do not know, like asking permission before you touch a costume, before you take a picture.”

She, along with fellow metro Phoenix-based cosplayers Marina Sharpe, who is known as @marinahopesharpe on social media, and Aleksander Gomez, who goes by the name Valentino Morales as @alocalcosplayer, shared tips for how to be safe at large-scale events and be respectful as a fan.

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The golden rules of cosplay

Being respectful toward cosplayers is key.

“Cosplay is not consent” is a popular phrase in the community, meaning that attending an event or wearing a certain outfit does not mean people can act however they want toward cosplayers.

“Costumes are not an invitation to, like, flirt, with somebody. I don't understand why that's a thing,” Imani said. “Just because somebody is Harley Quinn and you're Joker does not mean that we are together.”

Following a cosplayer, touching them and taking pictures from afar are examples of what not to do, Imani said.

"Another thing is offering to fix something, take something out of someone's hair or wig," Imani said. "You might think, like, that's really nice if you did that, but someone who is their friend should probably do that for them. A stranger should not pick (at) somebody else's costume unless specifically that cosplayer is like, 'Hey, can you fix this for me?'"

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How to ask a cosplayer for a picture

When it comes to taking pictures, ask a cosplayer for permission to photograph them and respect their wish if they decline.

“If I'm having a picture taken of me in cosplay, I want to be able to pose, to be in character, you know?” Sharpe said. “If someone is taking a break, if they're eating food, typically it's not regarded as the most respectful thing to go up to a cosplayer while they're eating.”

Gomez said some cosplayers experience microaggressions while receiving compliments. One example, he said, is if someone says "'I love your Black version of this character."

"It's almost slightly derogatory in a way, and many POC creators are going to take slight offense to that as you're cosplaying that character not just as a Black person, but you're just cosplaying the character," he said.

When complimenting people's costumes, make sure to not qualify it.

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How to stay safe while cosplaying

Unfortunately, cosplayers often experience unwanted attention when they are in costume.

“It sucks because it is just kind of a reality that you kind of have to be aware of your surroundings and people around you,” Sharpe said. “Creeps in general are going to be in any community, period.”

Gomez said: “There's going to be multiple predators at these conventions solely with the interest of seeing one of their favorite characters and essentially taking advantage of that cosplayer so that way they can get their own fantasy.”

When asked about whether being in costume might make some people feel free to act inappropriately, Sharpe said she believes this sometimes happens.

“I think particularly with a cosplay that covers up your entire face, for instance, it's kind of like when you're on the Internet and suddenly some people feel empowered to say awful things,” she said. “I think some people just (are) wanting to be in character and taking it, you know, kind of too far.”

Imani, Sharpe and Gomez shared these cosplay safety tips:

  • Never attend by yourself: “It's generally safer to be with friends at a con … especially for younger cosplayers,” Sharpe said.

  • Know your boundaries and maintain them.

  • Make a scene if you experience inappropriate conduct, Gomez suggested.

  • Know where convention security is stationed.

  • Ask someone to act as your personal security or have a handler who is dressed “professionally” and can “deter other people from trying things,” Gomez said.

  • Look out for others: “Correct somebody if you see (inappropriate conduct),” Imani said.

  • Keep yourself healthy: Stay hydrated, remember to eat and bring an extra pair of shoes if your costume’s footwear is uncomfortable.

And as a courtesy to others, Gomez issued a plea for people to wear deodorant while cosplaying.

"Personal hygiene is so important at these conventions," he said. "Please!"

Reach Entertainment Reporter KiMi Robinson at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter @kimirobin and Instagram @ReporterKiMi.

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This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: The golden rule of cosplay: Do's and don'ts of comic con etiquette