GOP senator spars with Laura Ingraham over infrastructure bill: 'You are agreeing with Pelosi'

Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA) appeared on The Ingraham Angle Monday, where he and Laura Ingraham got into it over the bipartisan $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill that’s expected to pass the Senate in the near future. Ingraham has repeatedly chided the bill, even going so far as to call Cassidy “stupid” last week for supporting it. On Monday, Ingraham argued that passing the infrastructure bill will open the door to a much larger $3.5 trillion spending package that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and some of the more progressive Democrats are pushing for, but Cassidy disagreed.

“The tax increase that the bipartisan infrastructure bill makes possible the $3.5 trillion behemoth that you will not support, correct?” Ingraham asked. “So, I reject your characterization,” Cassidy replied. “This bill makes that 3.5 trillion less likely to pass, and the squad knows it. Bernie (Sanders) knows it. They are the ones who are objecting to this bill because they think it’s less likely that they pass their 3.5 trillion behemoth.”

“The ironic thing is, you are agreeing with ‘the squad’ and Bernie. It’s amazing.”Sen. Cassidy

Ingraham then went after Cassidy and Republican leaders in the Senate for going forward with this legislation when they did, rather than seeing the House version of the bill first, though Pelosi has no obligation to show them the House version.

“Let them show their hand, but it got flipped, didn’t it? You guys got played on this,” Ingraham said. “You had to vote first, or agree first, they still haven't shown the text of their legislation, have they, sir?” “The ironic thing is, you are agreeing with ‘the squad’ and Bernie. It’s amazing,” Cassidy said. “You are agreeing with Pelosi. We think this makes that behemoth less likely to pass.”

Cassidy argued that Pelosi doesn’t want the infrastructure bill to pass so she can combine it with the $3.5 trillion spending package, which might then have a better chance of passing. Pelosi has threatened not to move forward with an infrastructure bill if the Senate doesn’t move on the spending package, which would include funding for family programs, clean energy and Medicare expansion.

“We make that bill less likely to pass,” Cassidy said. “But if we sink this bill and you marry them together, it’s more likely to pass. That’s just what simple logic tells you.”

The back-and-forth continued to the end of the interview, when Ingraham challenged Cassidy to return if the $3.5 trillion spending package is eventually passed.

“When they pass the 3.5 trillion, you gonna come back on the show and say you were wrong?” Ingraham asked. “Oh, so somehow I’m responsible,” Cassidy replied. “Even though we made it less — I’ll come back on the show — but even though we made it less possible, if it still happens, somehow this is to blame. Now, Laura, that logic is specious and you know that.”

The Ingraham Angle airs weeknights at 10 p.m. on Fox News Channel.

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