What happened on ‘Big Brother’? The first evicted houseguest of season 26 is …
“Big Brother” saw its first season 26 eviction Thursday.
The hit CBS reality TV show continued July 25, as the three houseguests on the block – Kenney Kelley, Kimo Apaka and Matt Hardeman – competed in the AI Arena competition to try and take themselves off. Then, their peers voted to evict one of the two remaining nominees.
Here’s what happened.
What happened on 'Big Brother'?
The night opened with Matt Hardeman campaigning for votes, then moved to a segment on Hardeman’s potential showmance with Makensy Manbeck.
Kimo Apaka followed that by campaigning for himself, before Head of Household Angela Murray got into an argument with nominee Kenney Kelley over Kelley considering giving up his game for Hardeman.
Kelley, Hardeman and Apaka then competed in the AI Arena competition, where Apaka won and took himself off the block. His win set up an eviction vote between Hardeman and Kelley.
Who was evicted on ‘Big Brother’?
The houseguests evicted Matt Hardeman over Kenney Kelley by a vote of 8-3.
This article originally appeared on Cincinnati Enquirer: What happened on ‘Big Brother’? Here’s who was evicted Thursday
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