Harvey Weinstein trial: Ex-boyfriend says accuser was 'shocked, upset' after meeting with mogul

NEW YORK – After a day of graphic testimony in Harvey Weinstein's sex crimes trial, the prosecution called several secondary witnesses to the stand Thursday to corroborate aspects of accusers' testimony.

One of the witnesses recounted his former girlfriend's dismay after a meeting with Weinstein. A second witness seemed less certain about what he remembered of an alleged encounter between an accuser and Weinstein at a bar.

First up on the stand was Lincoln Davies, a former boyfriend of accuser Dawn Dunning, who testified Wednesday. He described her demeanor when she returned home from a meeting with Weinstein in 2004.

"Did she tell you Weinstein met her at the door in a dressing gown?" asked Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Meghan Hast. "Yes," Davies replied.

"She was pretty shocked, upset, angry and overall appalled, I would say," Davies testified. "There was an arc of emotion, like anger and stuff like that. … She ended up crying."

On cross examination by defense attorney Damon Cheronis, Davies said Dunning had looked forward to the meeting with Weinstein and never mentioned being afraid of him even though, as she testified, Weinstein had groped her in a meeting a few weeks before.

Lincoln Davies, an ex-boyfriend of a Harvey Weinstein accuser, leaves court after testifying in Weinstein's sex crimes trial on Jan. 30.
Lincoln Davies, an ex-boyfriend of a Harvey Weinstein accuser, leaves court after testifying in Weinstein's sex crimes trial on Jan. 30.

"She never told you that she was sexually assaulted by Mr. Weinstein a few weeks before that meeting?" Cheronis asked.

"Correct," Davies said.

Next up was Maurizio Ferrigno, a former manager at Cipriani Soho, the restaurant and bar where accuser Tarale Wulff worked and Weinstein was a frequent guest. He was called to corroborate Wulff's testimony that Weinstein approached her in the bar, took her upstairs to a dark corner and masturbated in front of her.

Ferrigno acknowledged he saw Weinstein and Wulff having a "conversation" while they headed upstairs, but he didn't see what happened, didn't notice her demeanor, didn't talk to her and didn't remember when this happened.

"There was nothing unusual that struck you at the time?" Cheronis asked. "Not at the time," Ferrigno replied.

He said he remembered the interaction at the bar after talking to the district attorney's office in 2019 and learning that Wulff had made an allegation.

"Are you testifying today because you actually remember seeing Mr. Weinstein going upstairs or because the prosecutors reminded you and told you what Ms. Wulff said? Which is it?" Cheronis asked.

"I can’t say yes or no," Ferrigno answered.

He said he remembered Weinstein and Wulff going up the stairs. "Did you remember before (prosecutors) told you that happened?" Cheronis asked.

"Not really," Ferrigno said.

The day's proceedings began with defense attorneys objecting to prosecutors' calling Davies and Ferrigno, arguing they had not been admitted as witnesses through proper channels.

Harvey Weinstein arrives for his sexual assault trial on Jan. 30 in New York City.
Harvey Weinstein arrives for his sexual assault trial on Jan. 30 in New York City.

They were called to back up testimony by Molineux witnesses – accusers whose allegations are not charged but offered to demonstrate an alleged pattern of bad acts by the defendant.

Wednesday, Dunning said that she was groped by Weinstein in a hotel room and at a meeting in a different hotel and that she was presented with contracts for roles in his movies in return for agreeing to a threesome. The latter incident would not be a sexual assault, defense attorney Arthur Aidala said.

Judge James Burke allowed both witnesses to testify but cautioned prosecutors to be careful not to conflate the two alleged encounters in the Dunning testimony.

Much of Wednesday's witness testimony was taken up by the two accusers, Dunning and Wulff, called by prosecutors to bolster their case that Weinstein engaged in an alleged pattern of "prior bad acts."

‘I just froze’: Harvey Weinstein accuser tells jury explicit assault details, says he raped her

Wulff, 43, a former actress who is a model, testified that Weinstein raped her in the summer of 2005 at his downtown apartment in New York, where she went for what she thought was a meeting about getting a role in one of his movies. When she got there, she said, he took her by the arms and put her on a bed.

"I told him, 'I can’t,' and he answered, 'Don’t worry, I have a vasectomy.' " she said. "I just froze. Going blank is easier for me. It’s just easier for me to get past it. I just remember getting up. I don’t remember anything in between."

Model and former actress Tarale Wulff arrives to testify in the sex crimes trial of Harvey Weinstein on Jan. 29 in New York City.
Model and former actress Tarale Wulff arrives to testify in the sex crimes trial of Harvey Weinstein on Jan. 29 in New York City.

She testified this encounter happened a few weeks after Weinstein approached her at Cipriani Soho. She said he took her by the arm upstairs and steered her to a dark corner where he made her stand in front of him while he masturbated under his untucked shirt. She said she froze, then ran away.

Dunning described two encounters with Weinstein in New York hotel rooms in 2004. In one encounter, she said, when they were alone and sitting on a bed, he put his hand up her skirt and touched her. She said she fled as he apologized and told her it wouldn't happen again.

In a second encounter a few weeks later, in which his assistant was present and he was dressed in a bathrobe, Weinstein allegedly told her she could have roles in three of his movies if she agreed to a threesome.

She said that when she declined, he became enraged and screamed at her that this was how business was done in Hollywood. She said he told her stars such as Charlize Theron and Salma Hayek had done the same to boost their careers. (Both women denied it.)

Two other witnesses were called to testify before the trial was adjourned for the day.

Casting director Monika Mikkelsen was called to testify about when she cast the Weinstein-produced movie "Pulse." Wulff hoped to audition in the summer of 2005, when Weinstein raped her, Wulff said. Mikkelsen said she cast the movie in late 2004 and the start of 2005.

Attorney Dev Sen testified Jan. 30 that his firm, working for Weinstein, hired investigative firm Black Cube to spy on journalists working on Weinstein-related stories.
Attorney Dev Sen testified Jan. 30 that his firm, working for Weinstein, hired investigative firm Black Cube to spy on journalists working on Weinstein-related stories.

The final witness Thursday was lawyer Dev Sen, a partner at the law firm Boies Schiller Flexner, who testified that his firm, working for Weinstein, hired Black Cube, an investigative firm made up of ex-Mossad agents, to investigate journalists working on exposés of Weinstein.

Sen's testimony allowed prosecutors to enter the Black Cube contract into evidence. The existence of this contract has been known since 2017, when one of the firm's partners, David Boies, publicly admitted it was a mistake and apologized.

Friday, the second complaining witness in the case, Jessica Mann, who said Weinstein raped her in 2013, is to take the stand. A third and final Molineux witness is scheduled to testify Monday, completing the bulk of a prosecution case that began last week.

Two other accusers testified about what they said Weinstein did to them. Ex-production assistant Miriam "Mimi" Haleyi, one of the complaining witnesses, sobbed on the stand Monday as she testified that Weinstein sexually assaulted her at his New York City apartment in 2006.

Harvey Weinstein trial: Roommate backs Mimi Haleyi's accusation, says 'it sounded like rape'

Last week, "Sopranos" actress Annabella Sciorra choked up telling the jury that Weinstein pushed his way into her New York apartment in the winter of 1993-94 and raped her, then told her in a "threatening" way not to tell anyone.

'Sopranos' actress Annabella Sciorra takes the stand in Harvey Weinstein trial, details alleged rape

Weinstein is not charged with raping Sciorra; her accusation is too old to prosecute. Like the Molineux witnesses, she is intended to help prosecutors prove that Weinstein is a "serial predator" as defined by New York law, which could increase a prison sentence if he is convicted.

Weinstein is charged with five sex crimes, including rape and assault, stemming from encounters with Haleyi and Mann. He pleaded not guilty and denies all allegations of nonconsensual sex.

The Backstory: The Harvey Weinstein story is about more than Harvey Weinstein

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Harvey Weinstein trial: Witness says woman upset after meeting mogul