Hollywood's Campaign Cash Holdouts

Third quarter contributions are out, and perhaps more noteworthy than the celebrities who have given are the many who have not. Especially if you consider how many of Hollywood's heavy hitters are outspoken politically.
Hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons has yet to donate. That's particularly of interest considering he took John Edwards with him to yoga in July 2006 and continues to dine out on the story as of last month. Yet, no donations.
Also outspoken, at least in 2004, were Howard Dean campaigners Martin Sheen and Rob Reiner. While Reiner has ponied up for four candidates so far this year, nary a Sheen or Estevez has given a dime.
Meanwhile, many of John Kerry's supporters are also holding their cards close their chest this time around, giving nothing so far. Among the non-givers are Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner, Matt Damon, and Alec Baldwin. Even singer Joan Jett, a Kerry and Dean check writer, hasn't given this cycle.
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Hollywood's activist golden couple, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie still hasn't given. Neither has Jolie's estranged father, Jon Voight.
Speaking of activists, green-promoting celebrities must be waiting for Al Gore, as many draw blanks. A search for Gore-buddy Leonardo DiCaprio donations shows nothing, as do searches for Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, Adrien Grenier, Alicia Silverstone, and Daryl Hannah.
And what about those who love politically charged work? The new film Redacted is a critical look the media's coverage of the Iraq war, but writer/director Brian De Palma has yet to give. Another Iraqi-themed release, In the Valley of Elah, stars Tommy Lee Jones, James Franco, Susan Sarandon and Charlize Theron. Jones, South African Theron, and Franco appear to have given nothing. Haggis, a well-known Scientologist, has given just to Kucinich ($2100) and Sarandon has given to Obama ($3000) and Richardson ($250).
Another politically-charged film Rendition opens this Friday and is full of politically-ungiving Oscar winners and nominees. Meryl Streep, Reese Witherspoon, Jake Gyllenhaal, Peter Sarsgaard and Alan Arkin star. None of them has given to a 2008 candidate. Neither has director Gavin Hood or writer Keeley Sane.
Other politically-outspoken holdouts include, but are not limited to, Sally Field, Jane Fonda, Gwyneth Paltrow, Patricia Heaton, director Michael Moore, and Tim Robbins.
And celebrities who have taken USO trips yet won't commit to a candidate include Wilmer Valderrama, Henry Rollins (nee Garfield), Kid Rock (nee Robert Ritchie), and Kathy Griffin.
One of the few politically outspoken celebrities who gave for the first time in the third quarter was actor/director Sean Penn. His donations in the 2008 campaign now stand at $4600 to John Edwards and $2300 to Dennis Kucinich.
See who is bankrolling the 2008 Presidential election. Search by name or street address to see the cash donations and political leanings of your boss, neighbors, relatives, friends, and favorite celebrities with Huffington Post's FundRace.
This article originally appeared on HuffPost.