James Carville calls out CNN for poor communication, while he's on CNN

Democratic strategist James Carville appeared Monday on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 to break down the very tight gubernatorial race in Virginia ahead of Tuesday’s election, and he managed to criticize CNN in the process.

Concern has been growing in Virginia considering that Joe Biden beat Donald Trump by 10 points there in last November’s election. But Carville, who has been raising concerns about the Democratic Party being too far left for some time, said the difference right now has more to do with language and less with ideology, and he said there is plenty of blame to go around.

“I think the White House communications have been bad,” Carville said. “I'm very critical of people like myself that have access to shows like you, that I haven't framed this work well. And I blame CNN and The New York Times and everybody else.”

Carville, who suggested that the current stalemate on Capitol Hill over President Biden’s agenda is also hurting things in Virginia, said the bottom line is that the economy is actually really good for workers right now. And it’s time for shows like Cooper’s on CNN to start pointing that stuff out.

“All we talk about is presidential approval and inflation. We don't talk about wage growth. We don't talk about the power that workers have now,” Carville said. “And I'm not a typical media basher but there is a lot of good news in this economy and we're not getting it out. We got to do a better job I think.”

Anderson Cooper 360 airs weeknights at 8 p.m. on CNN.

Watch what John Oliver had to say about what and who is to blame for the homelessness crisis:

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