Jim Carrey Burns 'Hate-Mongers' Trump And Cindy Hyde-Smith In Fiery New Artwork

Jim Carrey is using his art to urge Mississippi voters to reject Republican

Jim Carrey is using his art to urge Mississippi voters to reject Republican Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith in favor of Democratic candidate Mike Espy in Tuesday’s runoff election.

Of course the new image includes Carrey’s favorite artistic target: President Donald Trump.

Hyde-Smith made a crack recently about attending a “public hanging,” leading to a number of corporate donors to ask her campaign for their money back.

She apologized for the comments, which critics say was especially insensitive, given the state’s racist legacy of lynching African-Americans.

Carrey tweeted:

Carrey has routinely used his art to torch Trump and members of his administration, as well as other figures in the news, such as Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

He said earlier this month that his management team warned him that getting political would cause him to lose half his audience.

I say, ’Lose ’em,’” Carrey said at the Vulture Festival in Los Angeles.

“Social media is a canvas for me,” he said. “And I think if it’s used in that way to express the truth or whatever in an artistic way, it’s a beautiful thing.”

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