Jimmy Kimmel: Donald Trump Has the Country ‘On the Brink of a Civil War’ (Video)
Jimmy Kimmel believes the country is inching closer to a civil war and says a lot of the blame for that falls squarely on the shoulders of Donald Trump.
During his appearance on The Ringer’s “Higher Learning” podcast with Van Lathan and Rachel Lindsey, the late-night host reflected on some of the language he has used in the past when talking about the president’s supporters in relation to how Trump talks about his detractors.
“I look back sometimes at some of the things I’ve said about people who support Trump and I realize, how do you think they’re doing to react when you call them stupid?” Kimmel said. “Sometimes it’s hard for me to resist because I think things are stupid. But I can almost guarantee you if we all approached everything in a different way, we wouldn’t be on the brink of a civil war in this country.”
Also Read: Kimmel Thinks Trump Would Have Tweeted About the Aliens if They Were Real (Video)
When Lathan asked if Kimmel really believed that, he answered, “I think we might be … But I worry that our president is subtly putting it out there by using words like ‘courage,’ which is not at all what this is about.”
Kimmel also said he was worried about how he might react if the Supreme Court sided with the president and allowed Congress to hand Trump a second term — “I’m not gonna take that. I’m not gonna have a rational reaction to that. And, what a terrible position for our leaders to put us in,” he said.
Fortunately, Kimmel (and, we presume, a lot of you out there) can rest a little easier now that SCOTUS has unanimously rejected Texas’ unconstitutional attempt to have the election overturned in several battleground states.
You watch Kimmel’s remarks above and check out the full episode of “Higher Learning” by clicking here.
Read original story Jimmy Kimmel: Donald Trump Has the Country ‘On the Brink of a Civil War’ (Video) At TheWrap