John Oliver Explains the Scottish Independence Vote: Harry Potter vs. Lottery Winners (Video)
After spending a solid five months tearing apart the flawed foundations upon which a creaky and obese America rests, John Oliver turned his sights to his homeland.
As it turns out, things are equally as divided and screwed up in the UK as they are in the US!
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Oliver devoted half of Sunday's “Last Week Tonight” to the looming vote on Scottish independence, which will be held this Thursday. It's been 300 years and innumerable cultural clashes in the making, which gave Oliver plenty of things to laugh at in a segment that mocked both sides rather viciously.
What it comes down to, it seems, is that a lot of Scottish people are sick of patriarchal British rule, especially because the Parliament is way more conservative than Scotland's citizens. On the other hand, it may be a terrible economic move to declare independence, given questions around currency and oil reserves.
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While Oliver spends much of his time mocking the moneyed interests that run US politics, like the Koch Brothers, it was hard to do anything but gleefully laugh at the two big financiers of the battle over Scotland: “Harry Potter” author JK Rowling, an Englishwoman who wants Scotland to stay in the UK; and a couple that won a giant lottery in 2011, who are bankrolling the “Yes” campaign.
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