I Ranked The 50 Cutest Pokémon While Incessantly Squealing And It Was No Easy Feat
I don't know about y'all, but I live with a little thing called cuteness aggression.
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I mean, who doesn't seem something adorable and become immediately overwhelmed with the desire to yell about it and squeeze the cute thing in question?
As a cuteness connoisseur of sorts, one of my favorite imaginary universes to inhabit is the wonderful world of Pokémon.
I decided to rank the cuties of the Pokéverse, and it wasn't easy, but here's what I came up with.
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A cute Pokémon that likes to cry, but their crying makes other people cry, and now everyone is crying.
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Diancie is supposed to be one of the loveliest sights in the Pokémon world, and I can't disagree! It has a sweet face and an even sweeter demeanor.
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The light eyes on this little electric pup win so many fans over.
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Marshadow is yet another sweet mythical Pokémon, with a dark side to boot.
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Sylveon is the only Eevee evolution to make the list, which is a pretty big deal. Those big, blue eyes on that sweet face with ribbony hair is too much!
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This Galar starter hasn't been out long, but its adorable face has already made fans of many.
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Shuppet looks like a little tissue paper ghost that you'd make in kindergarten, but it can also shoot waves out of its big eyes.
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A tiny bear with a runny nose?! I mean, come on.
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Meloetta looks almost like an excited little girl in a Halloween costume, and its so happy!
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Victini has big winner energy with a bunny-like appearance.
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It's just a cute cherry. That's all.
39.Plusle (and Minun)
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You get a two for one with these two, because who can choose?
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Stufful is described as a flailing Pokémon. This teddy bear-like Pokémon's flails are the best.
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How can a colorful little nebula be so cute? I don't quite know, but Cosmog does.
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Most of Manaphy's body is made of water. They swim all through the ocean to return to their birthplaces.
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Pumpkaboos are the only Pokémon to come in a variety of sizes, from small to super size.
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Not only is Celebi a cutie, but it's also one of the most powerful Pokémon to exist thanks to its ability to time travel.
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Pancham is a fighting type that means business, but who could fight with that face?!
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Dratini eventually becomes the sleek Dragonair and the mighty Dragonite. In the meantime, it's an adorable wet dragon noodle.
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Togepi is one of the OG cuties. We watched Togepi grow from an egg to a star, and no I'm not crying — you're crying.
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Shaymin is like a hedgehog, but instead of spikes, it has leaves and flowers. Pretty delightful trade if you ask me.
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Munchlax is the equally hungry, equally endearing prequel to Snorlax. When they're not eating, you can catch them snoozing.
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The expression on Wooper's face is one of the best things in all of Pokémon.
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Emolga is a kind of like a flying squirrel, but way, way more cuddly.
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We all have endless love for Pikachu, but Pichu is just all that in a tinier package. Obsessed.
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Inkay is a delightful little squid with a healthy appetite.
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Jigglypuff is little and enraged, and it speaks to me on a deeper level.
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A teeny little elephant with enthusiasm and a charming smile, Phanpy is the whole package and then some.
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Drifloon just float around like little, dangerous balloons.
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Ampharos kind of looks like a dinosaur, but cuter than any animated dinosaur I've seen. Bonus points because I love its color scheme.
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It is a puppy? It is a kitty? It looks fluffy, and the purple eyes add to the appeal for sure.
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You probably never imagined yourself thinking a spider way cute, but Joltik's here to change that.
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Tell me you don't want to channel your inner grandma and pinch Clefairy's cheek.
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This perky little penguin Pokémon just looks like it wants to cuddle.
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A fiery little fox with fierce fighting abilities and a heart of gold... What's there not to love?
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Minccino are the cutest little chinchillas out there, and clearly, this one is taking a bow in recognition of that.
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Tepig is a fiery pig with sweet little bunny ears that just looks so happy, even when it's mid-attack.
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One of the original three, his big eyes and heart-wrenching backstory make Charmander pretty hard to resist.
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This Johto starter is so cute that you almost forget about the fire spikes all over its back.
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Is it a little berry? Is it a tiny plant? Doesn't matter — I love it.
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Torchic is a happy little fire chickadee just hopping around and setting things aflame.
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Squirtle has a special place in my heart as one of the original starters, but also how cute are they?!
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The 151st Pokémon is also one of the cutest for sure.
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Mudkip's big head and sweet smile send me.
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Not only is Eevee cute in and of itself, but it evolves into such a variety of other cute Pokémon. It only gets better!
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WHAT A KOALA-TY Pokémon, amirite? This sweet Pokémon is always cuddling, and what's cuter than that?
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Turtwig is another Pokémon that gets points for being part-plant. It's also a sweet little turtle that is clearly very enthusiastic about the drums.
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This steel/psychic type mythical Pokémon even has a cute legend attached to it. If you encounter a sleeping Jirachi and write your wishes on the notes on their forehead, they will make that wish come true.
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Oshawott is just the cutest little sea otter in the whole world — the end.
Did I forget a cute Pokémon? Shout out your sweetest fave in the comments.
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