King Charles Promises to ‘Serve to the Best of My Ability’ in Commonwealth Day Message Amid Cancer

King Charles III was unable to attend the celebration of Commonwealth Day in London in person on Monday, March 11, amid his ongoing battle with cancer, but the monarch shared a video message containing a promise to the people.

"Having recently celebrated my own 75th birthday, it warms my heart to reflect on the way the Commonwealth has been a constant throughout my own life — a precious source of strength, inspiration, and pride," Charles, 75, said in the message, which was also shared on the Commonwealth website.

The king continued, “In recent weeks, I have been most deeply touched by your wonderfully kind and thoughtful good wishes for my health and, in return, can only continue to serve you, to the best of my ability, throughout the Commonwealth. My belief in our shared endeavours and in the potential of our people remains as sure and strong as it has ever been. I have no doubt that we will continue to support one another across the Commonwealth as, together, we continue this vital journey.”

Charles’ wife, Queen Camilla, is set to appear at the ceremony in Westminster Abbey, as well as his son Prince William.

Buckingham Palace revealed on February 5 that Charles had been diagnosed with an undisclosed type of cancer.

“During The King’s recent hospital procedure for benign prostate enlargement, a separate issue of concern was noted. Subsequent diagnostic tests have identified a form of cancer,” the palace’s statement read. “His Majesty has today commenced a schedule of regular treatments, during which time he has been advised by doctors to postpone public-facing duties. Throughout this period, His Majesty will continue to undertake State business and official paperwork as usual.”

The statement added that Charles was “wholly positive” about his treatments and looking forward to “returning to full public duty as soon as possible.”

The king broke his silence regarding his diagnosis on February 10, sharing his own statement in which he thanked fans for their support.

“As all those who have been affected by cancer will know, such kind thoughts are the greatest comfort and encouragement,” he added.

Charles concluded, “It is equally heartening to hear how sharing my own diagnosis has helped promote public understanding and shine a light on the work of all those organisations which support cancer patients and their families across the UK and wider world. My lifelong admiration for their tireless care and dedication is all the greater as a result of my own personal experience.”