Lawyer for R Kelly: “He’s a rock star, he doesn’t have to have nonconsensual sex”
R Kelly is facing a lengthy prison sentence of between 40 and 70 years after being charged with being charged with 10 counts of aggravated sexual abuse. Now, further details of the allegations levied against Kelly have been unveiled in a bond proffer.
The 52-year-old singer stands accused of assaulting four women, three of whom were underage, between 1998 and 2010. The victims include:
— A woman, identified as H.W., who was allegedly raped by Kelly once a month between May 26th, 1998 and May 25th, 1999. At the time, she was 16 years old.
— A woman, identified as R.L., who is believed to be the victim seen in a video recently uncovered by defense attorney Michael Avennati. It is believed that R.L. is the niece of Stephanie Edwards (a.k.a. R&B singer Sparkle), who previously testified in Kelly’s 2008 child pornography trial, identifying both Kelly and her niece in a sex tape that was presented as evidence.
— A woman, identified as L.C., who was allegedly assaulted by Kelly on February 18th, 2003. At the time, she was a 24-year-old hairdresser. After she refused to perform oral sex, Kelly masturbated and ejaculated on the woman. Her shirt was submitted to Cook County State’s Attorney as evidence, and DNA testing concluded it was that of Kelly’s.
— A woman, identified as J.P., who was allegedly raped multiple times by Kelly between May 1st, 2009 and January 31st, 2010. Then 16 years old, the woman met Kelly during his 2008 2008 child pornography trial. She too handed over a shirt with DNA evidence, which was found to be that of Kelly’s.
At a press conference following yesterday’s bond hearing, Kelly’s attorney, Greenberg, denied all allegations made against his client. “He’s a rock star, he doesn’t have to have nonconsensual sex,” Greenberg said at one point.
“I think all the women are lying,” Greenberg added. “Unfortunately the State’s Attorney has now succumbed to public pressure, to pressure from grand-standers like Michael Avenatti and Gloria Allred, and brought these charges. Mr. Kelly is strong. He’s got a lot of support, and he’s going to be vindicated on all these charges, one by one if it has to be.”
Things got heated when veteran music reporter and critic Jim DeRogatis challenged Greenberg for misquoting one of the alleged victims. Greenberg accused DeRogatis of trying to sell his book, to which DeRogatis responded “I don’t give a f— about selling a single book,” DeRogatis said. “I’ve talked to that woman, and I’ve talked to 47 others.”
For his part, as of Saturday night Kelly remains in jail after failing to post bail. His next court appearance is scheduled for Monday, February 25th at 9:00 a.m. CT.
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