Letter 15-Year-Old Wrote To Dr. Phil About Fractured Family
Rachel says her 15-year-old daughter, Gracie, makes their home life a “living hell.” She says the teen is volatile, calls her names and is now in trouble with the law for distributing child pornography. She says she and her daughter get into yelling matches and that Rachel has even punched Gracie in the face. Watch video of their disagreements here.
TELL DR. PHIL YOUR STORY: Have a family drama that needs Dr. Phil’s help?
Gracie wrote to Dr. Phil asking for his help. In the video above, he reads the letter she sent to the show. How does her mom react?
WATCH: Mom Admits She’s Called Teen Daughter A ‘Ho,’ Punched Her Three Times
On Tuesday’s episode, hear more from the teen. What does she say drives her behavior? Check here to see where you can watch.
TELL DR. PHIL YOUR STORY: Bad mother/daughter relationship?
‘I Call My Mom A Bitch And I Call Her A Whore,’ Says 15-Year-Old
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