25 Jokes About Mariano's Walk In "Encanto" That Are Funnier Than They Should Be

By now, everyone and their mom has seen Encanto about a dozen times. And with each watch, people have started picking up on new little details here and there.

Maribel holding fireworks

One of the newest ones involves Mariano, who we all know as the man who was supposed to marry Isabela.

Mariano at the dinner table

Well, during the song "We Don't Talk About Bruno," just after Isabela comes down on her swing and as Abuela sings "óye, Mariano's on his way," you can see that Mariano's walk is...interesting, to say the least.


He, his mom, and Abuela are walking at a glacial pace with one foot directly in front of the other, which can also be seen when Camilo delivers his catchy line, "Isabela, your boyfriend's here."


Initially, TikTok user @moos.blues pointed out the walk in question, saying Mariano walks "like he's clenching his cheeks":

@tacoboutruru then re-created the walk himself, getting 7 million views in the process.


“Out of all the senses, smell is most closely linked to memory” #disney #encanto

? people with humor are using this sound - moos blues ??

And since then, others have used the sound to re-create the walk themselves, but with more relatable scenarios. Here are 25 of the funniest ones:

Note: If the TikTok videos are not playing for you, you might need to change the settings on your device — here's how.

1. On taking 12 hours to shop at Ikea:


If @IKEA USA isn’t an all day thing, than why did we even come!!!!!! #ITriedItIPrimedIt #encanto #ikea #sundayfunday

? people with humor are using this sound - moos blues ??
"First of all, Ikea is an experience. One doesn't rush an experience" and "Ikea is a journey, not a destination"
@blaineiac / Via tiktok.com

2. On having your rent payment take all your funds:

"Don't forget the 3 a.m. impulsive shopping sprees"
@jessvalortiz / Via tiktok.com
"It's already february tomorrow?"
@jessvalortiz / Via tiktok.com

3. On procrastinating on a school project:

"Those runs to the store the night before hit different" and "Walking through walmart at 11 p.m. aggressive af"
@signonthe_x / Via tiktok.com
"My kid would just have to fail"
@signonthe_x / Via tiktok.com

4. On Jacob imprinting on Renesmee in Twilight:

"Bruh leave renaissance alone"
@smallestkyle / Via tiktok.com
"The fact that he imprinted on rhinoplasty will forever make me cackle"
@smallestkyle / Via tiktok.com

5. On sharing your new Tinder finds:

"Is your dorm room a prison cell?" and "The way that she's presenting her phone"

6. On wrongfully thinking your job is complete:

"Why are you using my suffering for comedy"
@ultrapremiumtequila / Via tiktok.com
"me, a fellow dishwasher, in pain"
@ultrapremiumtequila / Via tiktok.com

7. On winter storm Kenan:

"It's the unfocused camera for me"
@spicypotatosofttaco44 / Via tiktok.com
"Thank you for braving that snowstorm to do the Mariano walk. You are truly an artist"
@spicypotatosofttaco44 / Via tiktok.com

8. On not letting your straightened hair stay...well...straight:

"I went to school with perfectly straight hair one day, I went outside and it was raining, came home looking like Hagrid"
@peanutsmores / Via tiktok.com
"I remember on EID, my mom straightened my hair for the party and the kids sprayed me with water and I just.."
@peanutsmores / Via tiktok.com

9. On that fateful Titanic night in 1912:


The ship doesnt swerve as it heard how big the iceberg is ?? #encanto #titanic #history

? people with humor are using this sound - moos blues ??
"The ship doesn't swerve as I heard how big the iceberg is" and "We always hear the titanic's side and never the icebergs"
@smallestkyle / Via tiktok.com

10. On having a teacher as a best friend:

"Graduatred in june last year. I still go back to bother them"
@cichorackigirl / Via tiktok.com
"Now I vandalize her Facebook timeline"
@cichorackigirl / Via tiktok.com

11. On siblings doing the most:

"Fr sometimes siblings do so much" and "Please they always know what buttons to push to make your day bad"
@hey_veronicagarza / Via tiktok.com

12. On men not cleaning up after they've trimmed their beards:


bathroom cleaning days just happen to be shaving days every time ?? would like to know how those little hairs get everywhere #fyp #marriage

? people with humor are using this sound - moos blues ??
"Note to self. Never move in with a man" and "It's the 'I have cleaned it' and it's absolutely not clean"
@gabrieladanelle / Via tiktok.com

13. On getting your period amongst an already bad week:

"So we all in sync right now" and "I got covid, my period, and then broken up with in two days"
@yourfavoritefakeginger / Via tiktok.com

14. On sexy Lucifer statues:

"They probably high fived after that" and "Lucifer is just really hot and we need to accept that"

15. On having that shot of liquor sneak up on you:

"Hahaha then they just like your message and the next day you're humilated"
@emhatty14 / Via tiktok.com
"Like the time I replied to some girl I went to school with I'd babysit for her, she never asked"
@emhatty14 / Via tiktok.com

16. On spending money on necessary items:

"Every dollar I spend returns back times ten vibes" and "Is that not a necesseity?"
@gogurtdestroyer3000 / Via tiktok.com

17. On cats taking food that isn't theirs:

"He understood the assignment" and "How did you teach your cat the Mariano so quickly"
@juliadorable23 / Via tiktok.com

18. On Sundays being dedicated to Euphoria and Euphoria only:

"Fezco always takes priority" and "fez deserves the world"
@samjor24 / Via tiktok.com

19. On exes reminding you that they exist:

"It's always this or 'merry christmas'"
@ayame.p / Via tiktok.com
"Bruh one of them said 'Happy St. Patrick's Day'"
@ayame.p / Via tiktok.com

20. On not clocking into work and still expecting to be paid:

"Couldn't be me. I'm not doing a single thing without clocking in" and "Me explain to our nice HR lady that I worked 9 days in a row but forgot to clock in or out for one of them"
@thepleasantgroomer / Via tiktok.com

21. On intrusive thoughts regarding your ex:


if he doesn’t walk like Mariano who cares if he watched your story ?? #encanto #situationship #breakup #dating

? people with humor are using this sound - moos blues ??
"Or me suddenly having a dream where he kisses me"
@vjpla / Via tiktok.com

22. On wanting to get a glimpse of your crush:


this might be the reason why he stopped talking to me tbh

? people with humor are using this sound - moos blues ??
"Gotta think about the game plan" and "It's about the destination, not the journey"
@tauluh / Via tiktok.com

23. On finding the items no one else wants at thrift stores:

"If an old person didn't die in it I don't want it"
@whats_up_phia / Via tiktok.com
"I wanted to buy this grandpa sweater but my mom said no because it's ugly and I would look like an old man. Like, that's the whole point"
@whats_up_phia / Via tiktok.com

24. On having to pee the second you get remotely comfortable:

"I'm literaly peeing after I just tried to go to bed"
@noahsams / Via tiktok.com

25. And finally, on that one assignment you forgot creeping up on you at the last possible second:

"Then you wake up at 11:39 remembering and just panic fail the whole thing"
@jessvalortiz / Via tiktok.com