Meghan McCain gets fans to honor their late dads ahead of Father’s Day with #DeadDadsClub’

Meghan McCain is trying to make her first Father’s Day after the death of her dad, the late Senator John McCain, a little more bearable.

The View co-host started the hashtag “Dead Dads Club” to encourage her fans to share memories of their late fathers. She hopes it will combat that dread she’s been feeling around the day, writing, “Maybe we all will feel less alone?”

Meghan McCain, pictured with dad John McCain in 2017, is encouraging people to share stories with their late dads ahead of Father's Day. (Photo: Heidi Gutman /Walt Disney Television via Getty Images via Getty Images)
Meghan McCain, pictured with dad John McCain in 2017, is encouraging people to share stories about their late dads ahead of Father's Day. (Photo: Heidi Gutman /Walt Disney Television via Getty Images via Getty Images)

McCain has re-shared several of the stories on her page, but there are so many more — funny, sad, and sweet, making the whole thread a compelling read.

A few standouts:

There are some truly heartbreaking ones as well.

Anyone who has heard McCain speak knows that she was a huge fan of her dad’s. The politician and war veteran died of brain cancer in August, just before his 82nd birthday. McCain delivered a eulogy at his memorial ceremony in Washington's National Cathedral.

McCain has since been very candid — on social media, on daytime and in interviews — about how much she misses him, saying that his death “physically hurts my heart.” She’s also also been his most vocal defender, especially amid negative comments from President Trump.

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