Memorial Day observances taking place this weekend
May 26—There are several area Memorial Day events and activities taking place this weekend.
Here's a roundup of events:
—A ceremony will be held at 11 a.m. Monday at Corwin Cemetery, Lockport-Olcott and Hatter roads.
The ceremony will feature music, re-enactments, speeches and military honors.
In addition, Bob Stedman, owner of the Old Olcott Beach Fire Station and Maxwell Station, invited the American Legion Newfane Post 873 to use some of the space in the entrance to Maxwell Station to display material and artifacts relative to the Post and local veterans.
The Pendleton Veterans' Association is hosting its annual Memorial Day Wreath Laying Ceremony at 11 a.m. Monday at the PVA monument located at Town Hall, 6570 Campbell Blvd.
The Martin F. Jennings Post 836 of the American Legion will hold its annual Memorial Day Ceremony at 10 a.m. Monday at The Greenwood Veterans Memorial Park on Park St.
Guest speaker will be Legionaire, and Niagara County Legislator David Godfrey. The U.S. Air Force Honor Guard will conduct a flag-folding ceremony and rifle salute.
The Wilson Elementary School band will perform as well. The Post will also do a flag-raising and performance of 'Taps' at the Wilson Historical Society Fair at noon.
Local veterans organizations will conduct wreath laying ceremonies at each official veterans monument in the City of Lockport on the Sunday before Memorial Day.
A procession will gather at 8 a.m. at the Navy Marine Club, 37 Park Ave., and depart at 8:15 a.m to visit each monument and conduct a brief wreath laying ceremony. The schedule is:
—8:25 a.m., St. Patrick's Cemetery, flagpole (Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2535).
—8:35 a.m., Glenwood Cemetery, circle in the new section (VFW).
—8:45 a.m., Outwater Park, monument (American Legion, B. Leo Dolan Post 410).
—9 a.m., Ida Fritz Park, monument (Navy Ship 110).
—9:15 a.m., Grossi Park, flagpole (Marine Corps League).
—9:30 a.m., Summit Park, monument (Legion Post 410).
—9:45 a.m., Altro Park, flagpole (Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 268).
—10 a.m., Veterans Park, flagpole (VFW) and Soldiers & Sailors Monument (POW-VVA).
—11 a.m., Cold Springs Cemetery (Commanders and Officer of the Day Dave Likus).
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