Michael Moore, David Hogg Rip Trump’s ‘Presidential Alert': ‘RESIST!’

Michael Moore, David Hogg Rip Trump’s ‘Presidential Alert': ‘RESIST!’

That went about as well as you’d expect.

Moments after President Trump sent out his test “presidential alert” notification to nearly all U.S. cellphones on Wednesday, he was met with a swift thanks but no thanks from thousands of Twitter critics.

The alert was followed by a brief text: “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.”

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The test is meant to be similar to a national Amber Alert in case of a catastrophe — with plans for the test going as far back as the George W. Bush White House when the president called for a national warning system after the U.S. government was criticized for its response to Hurricane Katrina.

But to some of the president’s most vocal critics, it’s an ominous sign Trump can create a “state of emergency,” as “11/9” filmmaker Michael Moore tweeted.

Related Video: Why We Need a Nationwide Cell Phone Alert Test

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“It was just a test. But make no mistake about it. This is the world in which we now live.”
That’s my final line in “Fahrenheit 11/9”. A few minutes ago, Trump gave us a preview of the state of emergency he is creating to justify the end of democracy as we know it. RESIST! pic.twitter.com/M8g3NebFQ2

— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) October 3, 2018


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David Hogg tweeted, then deleted that “just wait until Trump comes out with an off switch for all news outlets because ‘fake news’ it’s [sic] to national security.” He then added: “Y’all ever read 1984?”


Y’all ever read 1984?

— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) October 3, 2018


For others, though, it was another opportunity to mock the president. Jimmy Kimmel shared a joke “alert” he received, warning of a “WITCH HUNT, CROOKED HILLARY, NO COLLUSION, CONFIRM KAVANAUGH, #MAGA.”

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Did anyone else get this? #PresidentialAlertpic.twitter.com/BXiuLoVgGj

— Jimmy Kimmel (@jimmykimmel) October 3, 2018



I’m actually surprised Trump’s alert was so bland. I expected, “Sorry to the haters but this is the most beautiful, tremendous emergency alert of all time. A lot of people are saying so. It’s a message of love.”

— JEN KIRKMAN (@JenKirkman) October 3, 2018



delete my number @realDonaldTrump

— Tré Melvin (@TreMelvin) October 3, 2018


“Star Trek” alum George Takei riffed he thought the alert was “the entire Trump presidency.”


Oh my. A “Presidential Alert” emergency. I thought that was the entire Trump presidency. pic.twitter.com/DNX0xVLENo

— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) October 3, 2018


There were plenty of jokes to swift through soon after the alert went out. “Eh I’ve had seen more disruptive presidential alerts on my phone,” New York Times writer Nate Cohn tweeted.


eh i've had seen more disruptive presidential alerts on my phone

— Nate Cohn (@Nate_Cohn) October 3, 2018



Can confirm the system works

— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) October 3, 2018



hrmm, this seems to be broken. no way for me to respond "go fuck yourself"

— Grant Brisbee (@GrantBrisbee) October 3, 2018



And there it is. Thank you, Mister President. Good to know you can barge into my phone at any time.

— Drew Magary (@drewmagary) October 3, 2018



i feel i got a different text than everyone pic.twitter.com/38XOTbI65v

— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) October 3, 2018



Don’t text my phone bruh …. ????????@realDonaldTrump

— Prettyboyfredo (@Prettyboyfredo) October 3, 2018


You get the idea, but there was at least one pro-Trump tweet in response to the alert from Diamond and Silk.


Our President. Love it. "Presidential Alert" @POTUS@realDonaldTrumppic.twitter.com/bI83DGeKrK

— Diamond and Silk® (@DiamondandSilk) October 3, 2018


Read original story Michael Moore, David Hogg Rip Trump’s ‘Presidential Alert': ‘RESIST!’ At TheWrap