Mike Huckabee defends Trump's Santa call: 'It wasn't like he was boiling the girl's bunny rabbit on the stove'

On Fox & Friends Wednesday morning, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee came to President Donald Trump‘s defense.

Trump has been catching flack for telling a 7-year-old girl that believing in Santa Claus is “marginal” at her age during a Christmas Eve phone call. While blasting the media’s coverage of the phone call, Huckabee said, “I mean, it wasn’t like he (Trump) was boiling the girl’s bunny rabbit on the stove or something.”

Huckabee went on to lament the media’s coverage of Trump in general. “If he doesn’t make the call, if he didn’t talk to the little girl,” Huckabee said. “They’d say he was curled up in the fetal position in the White House and he was unwilling to come out and talk to anybody.”

The girl’s father, Donald J. Lloyd, also came to Trump’s defense. “I think it’s crazy it became a big deal,” Lloyd told BuzzFeed News. “It’s Christmastime. I’d love to keep politics out of Christmas.” As for his daughter, she reportedly still believes in Santa.

Fox & Friends airs everyday at 6 a.m. on Fox News Channel.

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