Netflix’s ‘Cuties’ Blowback Could Lead to ‘Meaningful’ Subscriber Cancellations, Analyst Says
Netflix could lose several million subscribers this quarter due to the blowback against the French drama “Cuties,” Wells Fargo analyst Steve Cahall said in a report on Tuesday. Cahall slashed his third quarter projection by 50% to 2.5 million new subscribers, while pointing to the “short-lived but potentially stark churn uptick in September due to controversy around ‘Cuties.'” The bulk of those subscriber cancellations will come from the U.S. and Canada, Cahall said, because that’s where “Cuties” received the most criticism. “We think this could weigh more heavily on third-quarter net adds than investors realize,” Cahall said, “so we reduce our estimate for global streaming net adds.” He added: “Given how strong Netflix is as a service we’re loathe to get too negative, but our churn analysis does imply some meaningful pressure.” Earlier this month, #CancelNetflix jumped to the top of Twitter’s trending section after right-wing U.S. politicians and others who said director Ma?mouna Doucouré film sexualizes preteen girls. The hashtag gained momentum after a scene from the film, showing young girls dancing in a suggestive manner in front of adult spectators, was shared on Twitter. Also Read: Netflix Responds to GOP Senators' Questions About Its 'Three-Body Problem' Adaptation Netflix...
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