Nipsey Hussle’s Family Battling For Custody Of His 13-Year-Old Daughter

Nipsey Hussle’s family continues to battle on his behalf for custody of the late rapper’s 13-year-old daughter, Emani. RadarOnline reports that the Los Angeles rapper’s brother, Sam Asghedom, has filed a third status report as part of Nipsey’s probate case.

Asghedom states that the Victory Lap rapper’s ex, Tanisha Foster, is causing the holdup in the case. Asghedom and his sister, Samantha Smith, originally obtained guardianship over Emani in 2019 after Foster was deemed unfit to be a parent and provide a stable home.

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Foster filed a claim for full custody of Emani earlier this year, citing that she only originally agreed to give up custody because of her “own financial limitations” and “her desire to maintain the standard of living and family contact the minor had experienced with the paternal family prior to her father’s death.”

Foster also requested an objective financial advisor be involved in managing Emani’s inheritance. She claims that Nipsey’s family was “using their financial position and influence to disregard their priorities by controlling the desires of Emani and Tanisha by withholding financial assistance and reducing visitation.”

“There are no circumstances or events in my life that would disqualify me for regaining my exclusive role as Emani’s parent,” Foster stated. “There is no longer any need for guardianship. Emani routinely asks me when are she and I going to be able to live together. She longs to be with me as her mother. I am begging the court to terminate the existing guardianship.”

Asghedom shared that mediation has been planned, but the two sides have been unable to find a resolution.

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