Nun calls out Katy Perry for continuing real estate battle, says singer is 'used to getting all she wants'

Sister Rita Callanan isn’t backing down in her legal battle against Katy Perry.

In an interview with the Daily Beast, Sister Callanan explains she’s “not going to give up,” despite her being the lone person blocking Perry from purchasing a Los Angeles-area convent for $14.5 million. On March 9, Sister Catherine Rose Holzman died during a court appearance related to the sale.

Katy Perry continues to fight for her dream house. (Photo: Getty Images)
Katy Perry continues to fight for her dream house. (Photo: Getty Images)

“Sister’s death has taken a toll on me. It really has,” Callanan states.

Sister Callanan and Sister Holzman, of the Sisters of the Most Holy and Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, claim the archdiocese sold the convent out from under them. Sister Callanan says that while she believes the archbishop is ultimately responsible for the current legal mess, she wishes Perry would relent.

Sister Catherine Holzman and Sister Rita Callanan
The late Sister Catherine Rose Holzman, left, with Sister Rita Callanan. (Photo: Getty Images)

“I just feel that Katy Perry is used to getting all she wants, and to her money means everything, and to her, whatever Katy wants, Katy gets,” Sister Callanan says.

The whole dispute comes down to which authority had the right to sell the property.

Sisters Callanan and Holzman maintained they were the rightful owners, so when Perry, 33, made a cash offer to purchase the estate in 2015, the archbishop didn’t have the right to approve it. They attempted to sell the convent to another party, Dana Hollister, but a judge invalidated the sale in 2016. In November, a Jury found that Hollister intentionally interfered with Perry’s purchase, ordering her to pay millions to the archdiocese and the singer.

“I think it’s unconscionable that the archbishop is trying to get $15.5 million from Dana Hollister,” Sister Callanan declares. “The archbishop has put Dana Hollister into bankruptcy.”

She adds, “We were never allowed to tell our story. The jury never heard our story. I would have liked the jury to have heard that we were the ones who asked Dana to buy the property and she was trying to help us out.”

Sister Rita Callanan and Dana Hollister leave court in 2015. (Photo: AP)
Sister Rita Callanan and Dana Hollister leave court in 2015. (Photo: AP)

Following the setback, the Sisters started a GoFundMe campaign to continue their legal fight.

As for Perry, she has showed no sign of giving up her dream home. When the American Idol judge met with the nuns in 2015, she said she wanted to live on the property with her mother and grandmother, sit in the meditation garden, sip green tea and find herself, according to the Los Angeles Times.

While the singer made a “fairly good impression” at the meeting years ago, ultimately, the nuns felt Perry was not who was meant to live at the convent. “Well, I found Katy Perry and I found her videos and … if it’s all right to say, I wasn’t happy with any of it,” Sister Callanan told the L.A. Times years ago.

Sister Holzman agreed. “Katy Perry represents everything we don’t believe in,” she told Billboard in 2015. “It would be a sin to sell to her.”

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