Oak Ridge Community Band kicks off summer with free Memorial Day concert Monday
Oak Ridge and area residents are reminded that the Oak Ridge Community Band will be presenting its Memorial Day concert on Monday evening in A.K. Bissell Park at 7 p.m. This is a free performance and is an excellent way for family and friends to end the three-day holiday weekend with an entertaining concert and to show your appreciation to the men and women who have served in the military to maintain our freedom.
Not only is Memorial Day an opportunity to salute our veterans and military personnel, but it is often considered the "unofficial" beginning of the summer and will be the first concert of the Community Band outdoor events. Two more performances are planned for July 4 and for Sept. 4.
Community band director Shaun Salem has selected a program of music for the Memorial Day concert to honor veterans and currently serving personnel in the U.S. Armed Forces. Among the numbers the band will perform are “The Star Spangled Banner,” “The Stars and Stripes Forever,” “America, the Beautiful,” and “Armed Forces Medley 72,” featuring the theme songs of the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, and Navy. Veterans in the audience will be asked to stand during the song representing their branch of service.
The public is reminded to bring chairs or blankets for outdoor seating around the Performing Arts Pavilion in the park, and there is a paved area for wheelchairs. Refreshments will be provided by Razzleberry’s Ice Cream Lab.
Band members will begin rehearsing on June 1 for the popular Independence Day concert on July 4 followed by the City Fireworks Show.
The Community Band has members of all ages, and any area musician, especially high school and college students home for the summer, can join the band and should call 865-202-2773 for more information. Also, visit the band’s website at www.orcb.org and www.facebook.com/OakRidgeCommunityBand.
This article originally appeared on Oakridger: Oak Ridge Community Band kicks off summer with Memorial Day concert
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