Palm Beach Daily News Social Calendar for Oct. 8, 2023
Editor’s note: Items or corrections to be published in the Palm Beach Social Calendar are currently being accepted via email only. Please type the information into the body of the email and do not use attachments. Include your name and phone number, in case we have questions about your event. Send announcements to [email protected]. Deadline for Sunday publication is noon Tuesday.
Oct. 11
Dreyfoos School of the Arts Foundation: Reception for the Duke Nelson Memorial Scholarship; 5:30 p.m. at the Meat Market, 191 Bradley Place. Maribel Alvarez and Carolina Buia, chairwomen. By invitation.
Oct. 23
Palm Beach Crime Watch: Speaker Breakfast with Matt Eversmann, 8:30 a.m. at The Colony. 561-508-3457.
Oct. 26
Daughters of the American Revolution: Palm Beach chapter's New Members Luncheon, 11:30 a.m. at Café Boulud. Jill Davis, regent. 540-295-0902.
Oct. 27
Cox Science Center and Aquarium: Black Tie Masquerade; 7:30 p.m. at The Colony Hotel. Alexandra Daniel, chairwoman.
Nov. 1
Town of Palm Beach United Way: Business and Professional Breakfast, 7:30 a.m. at The Breakers. By invitation
Nov. 3
Star Foundation: Inaugural "Disco at the Beach" gala; 6:30 p.m. at The Beach Club. Sheryl Rosin, chairwoman. 561-515-6468
Nov. 4
Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem Knights Hospitaller: Investiture Gala; 6 p.m. at the Sailfish Club. Jay Owen and Giselle Anna Parry, chairman and chairwoman. 847-910-9608.
Nov. 8
Palm Beach Crime Watch: Members cocktail reception; 4:30 p.m. at the Par 3 Al Fresco Restaurant. 561-508-3457
Garden Club of Palm Beach: Preview party for the annual Christmas Boutique; 5 p.m. at the Society of the Four Arts' Johnson Hall. Boutique continues through Nov. 10.
Nov. 10
Clinics Can Help: Second annual Cribs for Kids Luncheon; 11 a.m. at The Sailfish Club. Emily Pantelides, chairwoman; Kathy Theofilos, honorary chairwoman; Dee Ocleppo Hilfiger, international chairwoman. By invitation.
American Humane: The 2023 American Humane Hero Dog Awards? Gala; 6 p.m. at The Breakers. By invitation.
Nov. 15
Children’s Home Society of Florida: 31st annual Ultimate Dinner Party; 6 p.m. at private residences in Palm Beach. Victor Moore and John J. Tatooles, chairmen; Jim and Gay Engel, honorary chairman and honorary chairwoman. 561-402-0823.
Opportunity Early Childhood Education & Family Center: Annual Brunch; 10 a.m. at the Sailfish Club. Courtney Celeste Fisch and Pilar Alvarez-Palazio, chairwomen. 561-352-9552.
Nov. 16
Daughters of the American Revolution: Palm Beach chapter's Veterans Affairs Luncheon; 11:30 a.m. at Café Boulud. Jill Davis, regent. 540-295-0902.
Palm Beach Civic Association: Directors’ reception and luncheon; 11:30 a.m. the Beach Club. By invitation.
Nov. 20
Red Sneakers for Oakley: Sixth annual Allergy Awareness Benefit; 6:30 p.m. at Club Colette. Alexia Hamm Ryan and Silvia Zoullas, chairwomen. 561-632-0110
Nov. 25
Town of Palm Beach United Way: Holiday cocktail reception; 6 p.m. at Findlay Gallery. By invitation
Nov. 27
Palm Beach Zoo & Conservation Society: Cocktail reception and dinner; 6:30 p.m. at Club Colette. Michele Kessler, chairwoman; Howard Kessler and Thomas C. Quick, chairmen. By invitation.
Nov. 28
Catholic Charities Diocese of Palm Beach: Caritas Dei Bishop’s Gala committee luncheon; 11:30 a.m. at the Beach Club. Marietta Muina McNulty. All-white attire.
Preservation Foundation of Palm Beach: Phipps Ocean Park Dinner; 6:30 p.m. at a private residence. By invitation.
Grandma’s Angels: Holiday Luncheon; 11:30 a.m. at the Sailfish Club. Jodie Schmitz and Sunny Hawkins, chairwomen. 561-753-2226.
Dec. 3
The Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adults: Annual Soirée; 7 p.m. at Club Colette. Heather T. Henry, chairwoman; Soraya and Peter Geisler, co-chairs. By invitation.
Dec. 5
New Hope Charities: 29th annual Holiday Bazaar; 7 p.m. at the Beach Club. Lillian Fanjul and Lillian M. Azqueta, chairwomen; Andres and Catherine Fanjul, honorary chairs. 561-366-5093.
Cleveland Clinic Florida: Ask the Experts Luncheon; 11:30 a.m., Café Boulud, Palm Beach. By invitation.
Adopt-A-Family of the Palm Beaches, Inc.: Tree-Lighting Celebration at the Sailfish Club. Karen Fischer, chairwoman; Nancy Kyle, co-chairwoman. 561-253-1361, ext. 1390.
Dec. 6
St. Edward Church: Christmas Dinner Dance; 7 p.m. at The Breakers. Craig and Jo Anne Burkholder, chairman and chairwoman. By invitation.
Dec. 7
Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League: 52nd Annual Christmas Ball; 7 p.m. at the Sailfish Club, Pauline Pitt, chairwoman. By invitation
Palm Beach Police & Fire Foundation: Annual Council of 100 Holiday Dinner with guest speaker Buzzy Krongard; 6:30. p.m. at The Breakers. By invitation.
Place of Hope: ''Light in the Shadows'' inaugural luncheon to fight human trafficking; 11 a.m. at The Mar-a-Lago Club. Jill Gallagher and Jordan Brown, chairwomen. By invitation.
Dec. 8
Boys and Girls Clubs of Palm Beach County: Kickoff reception; 6 p.m. at Findlay Galleries. By invitation.
Dec. 9
First Serve: Inaugural Pro-Am gala; 6:30 p.m. at The Beach Club.
Dec. 11
The Society of the Four Arts: Major donors reception and terrace dinner; at the Findlay Galleries. By invitation.
Dec. 13
Palm Beach Civic Association: Holiday Party at The Breakers.
Society of the Four Arts: Neha Dani preview reception 6 p.m. at The Colony Hotel. By invitation.
Dec. 14
Catholic Charities Diocese of Palm Beach: Caritas Dei Bishop's Gala kickoff reception; 6 p.m. at Findlay Gallery. Marietta Mui?a McNulty, honorary chairwoman; ; Amy Acierno and Karmita Gusmano, chairwomen; James Borynack, honorary chairman. By invitation.
Dec. 15
MorseLife Health System: 40th Anniversary Celebration; 7 p.m. at The Breakers. Sondra Mack, chairwoman; David S. Mack, chairman. Terri Sriberg, honorary chairwoman; Donald M. Ephraim, honorary chairman. By invitation.
Dec. 16
Salvation Army of Palm Beach County: "Christmas in Paradise" at the Beach Club. 561-686-3530.
Dec. 18
Promise Fund of Florida: Annual Pink Tie Guy cocktail reception; 6 p.m. at the home of Nancy Brinker. Julie Fisher Cummings, Paulette Koch, Diane Sculley and Laurie Silvers, chairwomen. By invitation
Jan. 4
Palm Beach Symphony: 50th anniversary kickoff reception; 6 p.m. at Findlay Gallery. By invitation.
Jan. 6
American Red Cross: The 63rd International Red Cross Ball; 7 p.m. at The Breakers. Charles and Amanda Schumacher, chairman and charwoman. 561-851-3439.
Jan. 9
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute: Women's Guild "Eye Know You’ll Love This" brunch; 11:30 a.m. at Café Boulud. By invitation.
Jan. 10
Urban Wildlife Refuge Project South Florida: “Wild About Wildlife” reception; 6 p.m. at Findlay Gallery. Danielle Moore, honorary chairwoman; James R. Borynack and Adolfo Zaralegui, honorary chairmen. By invitation
Jan. 12
Glades Academy/Everglades Prep: "An Evening of Great Expectations" at Café Boulud. By invitation.
Jan. 13
The Palm Beach Police & Fire Foundation: 18th Annual Palm Beach Police and Fire Rescue Ball honoring Michael Belisle and Linda Gary; 6:30 p.m. at the Mar-a-Lago Club. John and Amy Phelan, chairman and chairwoman; Jeff and Nicola Marcus, honorary chairman and chairwoman. 561-820-8118
Jan. 16
Ryan Licht Sang Bipolar Foundation: Insights VI reception and exhibit opening; at the John H. Surovek Gallery in Via Parigi. Daniel and Denise Hanley, chairman and chairwoman; Lore Dodge and Frances Fisher, honorary chairwomen. 888-944-4408
Jan. 18
The American Friends of Belvoir Castle: Reception and preview of Charles Neal exhibit; 6:30 p.m. at Findlay Gallery. Major donors dinner; 8 p.m. on the terrace. Both, by invitation
Jan 22
Planned Parenthood: Palm Beach Dinner Dance; 7 p.m. at Club Colette.
Jan. 23
Catholic Charities Diocese of Palm Beach: Caritas Dei Bishop’s Gala 40th anniversary celebration. 7 p.m., The Breakers.
Jan. 24
American Friends of British Art: Reception at the home of Gaye and Jim Engel. By invitation.
H.O.W. *(Hearing the Ovarian cancer Whisper): "Time is of the Essence" Luncheon and fashion show by Dennis Basso; 11:30 a.m. at the Sailfish Club. Andrea Stark, Eddy Taylor and Christine Schott, chairwomen. 561-406-2109
Jan. 25
Lighthouse Guild: Kickoff cocktail reception for the Annual Visionary Dinner; 6 p.m. at Findlay Gallery. By invitation
Jan. 26
Palm Beach Zoo and Conservation Society: Journey to Africa gala; 7 p.m. at the home of Michele and Howard Kessler. Deborah Dauman and Hilary Geary Ross, chairwoman; Thomas C. Quick, honorary chairman; Michele Kessler, honorary chairwoman. By invitation.
Feb. 1
Curetivity: The Golden Rose annual dinner dance at The Mar-a-Lago Club. Katherine Limbaugh and Connie Frankino, honorary chairwomen; Dr. Peter and Stephanie Lamelas, chairman and chairwoman. By invitation.
Feb. 3
St. Ann Place Outreach Center: The Versailles Ball dinner dance; 6:30 p.m. at the Sailfish Club. By invitation.
Feb. 5
Palm Beach Opera: Gala at The Breakers Palm Beach.
Feb. 6
Center for Creative Education: 30th anniversary kickoff reception; 6 p.m. at Findlay Galleries. Pauline Pitt, chairwoman. By invitation.
Feb. 7
Cancer Alliance of Help & Hope: 2024 Shop The Day Away Luncheon; 10 a.m. at The Breakers. 561-215-7360
National Wildlife Refuge Association: "Wild About Wildlife" reception; 6 p.m. at the home of Mayor Danielle Moore, honorary chairwoman. By invitation.
St. Edward Guild: Annual Valentine's Luncheon and Fashion Show; 11 a.m. at The Beach Club. Priscilla Schmeelk and Michele Manolis, chairwomen. By invitation.
Feb. 8
Palm Beach Fellowship of Christians and Jews: Annual Fellowship Dinner; 6:30 p.m. at The Beach Club. Sylvia James and Debora Weinstein, chairwomen. 561-833-6150.
Feb. 10
The American Friends of Belvoir Castle: Inaugural gala; 7 p.m. at The Breakers. David J. Newton and James R. Borynack, chairmen; The Duke and Duchess of Rutland, honorary chairman and honorary chairwoman.Feb. 12Ballet Palm Beach: “Venetian Masquerade” gala; 6 p.m. at The Breakers. Brandie Herbst and Erin McGould, chairwomen; Anka Palitz, honorary chairwoman.
Feb. 15
American Heart Association: Palm Beach Heart Ball, the association's centennial celebration. 561-697-6609
Daughters of the American Revolution: Palm Beach chapter luncheon with guest speaker Trudy Coxe of the Preservation Society of Newport County; 11:30 a.m. at Club Colette. Jill Davis, regent. 540-295-0902
The Hanley Foundation: Palm Beach Dinner; 6 p.m. at the Sailfish Club of Florida. Elizabeth Matthews, chairwoman; Chip James, chairman. By invitation.
Feb. 16
Kravis Center for the Performing Arts: Kravis Center Gala; 5:30 p.m. Kristen Lambert, chairwoman; William Meyer and David Lambert, chairmen. 561-651-4320.
Feb. 17
The Everglades Foundation: Annual 'ForEverglades' Palm Beach benefit; 7 p.m. at The Breakers. Sonia Jones and Sue Hostetler Wrigley, chairwomen; Paul Tudor Jones and Beau Wrigley, chairmen. By invitation.
Feb. 21
Center for Family Services: 25th annual Old Bags Luncheon at The Breakers.
Feb. 23
The Society of the Four Arts: Dinner dance; 7 p.m. at the Society of the Four Arts Garden. By invitation
Feb. 24
The Society of the Four Arts: Contemporaries gala; 7 p.m. at the Society of the Four Arts Garden. By invitation
Cleveland Clinic Florida: Annual Florida Ball; 7 pm at The Breakers. 954-659-6238
Feb. 26
The Richard David Kann (RDK) Melanoma Foundation: 24th annual Luncheon and Naeem Khan fashion show; 10:30 a.m. at The Breakers. Beth Neuhoff, Suzanne Niedland, and Vera Serrano, honorary chairwomen. 561-655-9655
Lighthouse Guild: Annual Visionary Dinner honoring Beth DeWoody and Firooz Zahedi; 7 p.m. at Club Colette. 212-769-6307
Feb. 28
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute: Lunch & Learn; noon at Club Colette. 561-515-1527.
Feb. 29
Palm Beach Island Hospice Foundation: Hospice Evening 2024 at The Breakers. 561-832-8585
March 1
Preservation Foundation of Palm Beach: Annual dinner dance; 7 p.m. at Bradley Park. Betsy Shiverick and Electra Toub, chairwomen. By invitation
March 2
Jupiter Medical Center Foundation: 47th annual Black Tie Ball; 6:30 p.m. at The Breakers. Joe and Patsy Petri, chairman and chairwoman; Jeffrey and Lee Ann Alderton, honorary chairman and honorary chairwoman. 561-263-3712
March 4
Center for Creative Education: Annual Spring Dinner Celebrating 30 Years; 7 p.m. at Club Colette. Pauline Pitt, chairwoman; Milly Park, honorary chairwoman; Patrick Park, honorary chairman. By invitation
March 5
Children’s Home Society of Florida: Spring Luncheon; 11 a.m. at The Colony. Tere Borgia, chairwoman; Kathy Leone and Wendy Roberts, honorary chairwomen. 561-402-0823.
March 6
South Florida PBS: Lifetime Achievement Dinner honoring George T. Elmore; at The Brazilian Court. By invitation.
March 7
American Friends of the Israel Museum: Palm Beach Gala at The Breakers.
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/the Jimmy Fund: ''Breakfast with the Doctors'' at the Beach Club. Vicki Loring and Judy Harpel, chairwomen; Arthur Loring and Jim Harpel, chairmen. 561-833-2080.
March 11
Promise Fund of Florida: Annual Major Donor and Awards Dinner at Club Colette. Julie Fisher Cummings, Paulette Koch, Diane Sculley and Laurie Silvers, chairwomen. 561-307-8000.
March 13
Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation: Seventh annual "Hope on the Horizon" Palm Beach dinner; at The Beach Club. Nancy Goodes, Bonnie Lautenberg and Heidi McWilliams, chairwomen. 212-901-7983
March 17
LIFE (Leaders In Furthering Education): 30th annual Lady in Red Gala with Jay Leno and and Paul Anka; 6 p.m. at The Breakers. Lois Pope and Christine Lynn, chairwomen. 561-582-8083
March 18
The Order of St. John: Reception and dinner at Findlay Gallery. By invitation
Palm Beach Civic Association: Annual Awards Breakfast at The Breakers.
March 21
Lighthouse for the Blind of the Palm Beaches: Third annual EnVision 20/20 Luncheon; 11:30 a.m. at the Sailfish Club. Maria Beaudouin, Page Ferrell and Roshan Massoumi; chairwomen. 561-586-5600.
March 23
American Friends of the Hebrew University: 2024 Palm Beach Scopus Award dinner honoring Lisa and Michael Rome; 7 p.m. at The Four Seasons.
H?pital Albert Schweitzer Haiti: White Hot Night dinner dance at the Sailfish Club. Louise H. Stephaich, chairwoman. By invitation
March 28
American Friends of Magen David Adom: Palm Beach Gala; 6 p.m. at The Breakers. By invitation
April 3
Navy SEAL Foundation/Navy SEAL Museum/Trident House: Sixth biennial Palm Beach Navy SEAL Evening of Tribute; 5:30 p.m at The Breakers. Eliot Hershberg, Michael Kluger and Matthew K. Smith, chairmen. 561-459-6999
April 6
Cancer Alliance of Help & Hope: Dance the Night Away Gala; 6 p.m. at the Mar-a-Lago Club. Janet Levy, chairwoman; Joseph and Max McNamara, chairmen. 561-215-7360.
April 8
MorseLife Health System: Annual golf classic awards luncheon; noon at the Flagler Steakhouse. Ed Pantzer, chairman. 561-242-4661.
April 11
Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League: “Off the Leash” reception and dinner; at The Colony. 561-630-6066
April 16
Palm Beach Crime Watch: Spring Breakfast; 8:30 a.m. at The Colony. 561-508-3457
May 2
Town of Palm Beach United Way: Annual meeting; 4 p.m. at The Breakers.
May 9
Daughters of the American Revolution: Palm Beach chapter's annual meeting and luncheon; 11:30 a.m. at the Beach Club. Jill Davis, regent. 540-295-0902
This article originally appeared on Palm Beach Daily News: Palm Beach Daily News Social Calendar for Oct. 8, 2023
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