Penn Badgley and Brittany Snow address whether they will be in 'John Tucker Must Die' sequel

Penn Badgley and Brittany Snow are addressing their involvement in a “John Tucker Must Die” sequel.

Back in March, Sophia Bush, Arielle Kebbel and Jesse Metcalfe said that a script for a sequel to the 2006 teen rom-com was written. At the time, they suggested that all the original cast members would be included.

However, in a new episode of Badgley’s “Podcrushed” podcast, he and Snow said they haven’t received a call about being in a sequel.

“Penn, I don’t know if you’ve had a call, but I’ve gotten no call,” Snow, who portrayed lead Kate, asked the “You” star.

“Yeah, I’ve had no call, no,” he replied. “I mean, it’s maybe possible like the superposition quantum physics, like everything is potentially within the realm of, like, maybe this apple will fall up. I can’t actually say with certainty.”

He added, “But I don’t know. I’ve got the smallest role in the movie. I don’t know that I would belong in it anyway.”

Snow, who has known Badgley since they were child actors, quipped, “I’m not doing it if you’re not doing it.”

John Tucker Must Die with Brittany Snow and Penn Badgley, 2006. (Alamy)
John Tucker Must Die with Brittany Snow and Penn Badgley, 2006. (Alamy)

“John Tucker Must Die” starred Snow as Kate, a new and shy student, who helps three popular girls from different cliques — Beth (Bush), Carrie (Kebbel) and Heather (Ashanti) — seek revenge on John Tucker (Metcalfe) after they discover that he’s been dating the three of them at the same time. Badgley portrayed Scott, John’s brother, who has a crush on Kate, despite her attempting to seduce John to break his heart.

In his podcast, Badgley added that he never thought about the possibility of a sequel.

“Never have I even thought of that as a potential thing, but I guess if there was a script, I would read,” he said, with his co-host Nava Kavelin telling him there is a script according to Metcalfe.

Snow, on her end, said that she talked to Kebbel about a script “for years because she was trying to get it off the ground.”

“But I didn’t know what happened and it kind of just, I was like, ‘go forth,’ you know?” she continued. “'Go forth with that.' So that was the last I had heard of it was that she was trying to make it happen, and so I guess she did?”

Adding, “I will read whatever, they’ve worked really hard.”

Read below for more on the possibility of a "John Tucker Must Die" sequel.

John Tucker Must Die, 2006.
With Arielle Kebbel, Brittany Snow, Sophia Bush and Ashanti. (Alamy )
John Tucker Must Die, 2006. With Arielle Kebbel, Brittany Snow, Sophia Bush and Ashanti. (Alamy )

What has been said about a 'John Tucker Must Die' sequel

In March, Kebbel, Metcalfe and Bush addressed the rumors of a sequel at a Chicago fan expo.

“I’ve heard rumors of this script -- there’s a script,” Metcalfe told the crowd in a TikTok. “Apparently it’s amazing.”

“The rumors are true,” Kebbel said. “There is a script. We are very proud of it. It does involve all of the OG cast.”

Bush added, “Ready to go.”

Kebbel added that it also included a new group of characters and “John Tucker may or may not get a chance to change” from his player ways.

In April, Metcalfe gave an update to “Entertainment Tonight“ after reading the script.

“It may live on,” he said. “I’m hopeful. I think this script that I’ve read is a great jumping-off point. It’s really well executed.”

“I think everybody’s up for it, so hopefully it’ll happen,” he added, but not confirming whether Ashanti or Snow had confirmed their involvement. “I can’t speak for them, but I know that they’re in the script.”

He also told E! News that same month, the script “hits on a lot of similar themes, but through the lens of the current landscape.”

He also teased, “My character has a great arc. John has a daughter, and, you know, you see how fearful he is that she’s going to get John Tuckered.”

Ashanti comments on the 'John Tucker Must Die' sequel

The singer, on her end, also told “ET” in June that she has been in talks with Kebbel about her involvement.

“We’ve definitely have had some conversations,” Ashanti said. “Me and Arielle spoke and I think it would be so cool, so exciting. It was definitely one of those movies that you keep watching even when it’s on TV.”

She added that she’s “definitely open” to reprising her role of cheerleader Heather. “(If) we can get that rolling, that would be amazing.”

At the time, she said she hadn’t read the script yet, but would like to see Heather “get a good guy and be done with John — and let John be sorry.”

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