People Are Sharing The Celebs That Seem To Be Beloved By Other Celebrities, And This List Seems Spot-On
Everyone has a celeb they love based on the perception that they seem like a really good person. A good example of that would be Tom Hanks (who seems to be genuinely beloved by almost everyone). However, there are other celebs we form positive opinions about because other celebrities have nothing but praise for them as people.
And recently, Reddit user MacaroniMistress was interested in the latter when they asked: "What celebrity seems to be well-liked by other celebrities?" The OP then used Cara Delevingne as an example of a celeb who seems to be really good and genuine friends with lots of famous people.
They also reinforced that this was about celebs who seemed really loved among other celebs with this disclaimer: "This question isn’t about who is most well-liked by the public, but among the industry and other celebrities."
Well, lots of people replied with the celebrities they truly think are beloved by other celebs. Below are some of the top, best, and most repeated responses:
1."Dolly Parton. Look at all the people who wanted to collaborate with her. And how can you not love Dolly?"
"I don’t even like her music — I'm not saying it's bad. It is simply not my taste! She's very talented — and I love her. What a charismatic, kind woman."
2."Everyone who meets Pedro Pascal seems enamored with him based on their own words/captions. His female celeb friends always say they’re 'in love' with him."
"Can confirm. My friend is in the upcoming Gladiator movie with him and says he is the most kind human. Also said Oscar Isaac is super sweet too."
3."Lupita Nyong'o. Everyone looks so happy in her presence, especially when you see her hugging them."
"So true, she seems so sweet and everyone seems to really like being around her."
4."Billie Eilish. There’s a whole promo video where they surprise her with a video of like, every person in music and film praising her. She is very well liked."
5."People that have worked with Britney Spears always said really good things about their experience with her. That she's super sweet and kind."
6."I only ever heard other celebs speak very highly of Margot Robbie, so she’s probably on that list!"
7."Chris Evans. Pretty much everyone he works with — directors and cast — seems to love him. And not just the MCU casts. ... Even after almost 20 years, I don’t think I ever heard any rumor he’s an asshole. Sweet, kind, funny are usually the adjectives used."
8."Alan Rickman. Every story about working with him boils down to 'I thought he was going to be nasty because he always plays villains but he's actually sweet as a sugar cookie and a delight to work with.'"
"Alan was always so supportive of his fellow actors especially when they were in any type of theater production and he seemed to be a mentor to a lot of the younger actors he worked with. ??"
9."Paul Rudd seems like a true celebrity capybara."
"I feel like he’s the kinda dude who would happily jump in a car with a stranger just because he has nothing better to do."
10."Adam Sandler seems pretty sweet with his friends and family. His movies are just like his vacation with his friends and family."
"One of my husband’s best friends went to high school with Adam Sandler. They are still close, and he is very highly regarded among the normals."
11."Olivia Colman seems to be widely adored. She just seems like a really funny, down to earth, sweet, kooky person with buckets of talent. I'm sure she's a joy to work with!"
"I LOVE OLIVIA! Also, my friend is an entertainment reporter who has interviewed many actors for press tours and said that Olivia is one of her favorite people ever."
12."Tom Holland seems well loved among his peers."
13."Taraji P Henson. Love how excited she gets seeing her peers winning."
"I knew someone that worked as a gaffer with her on Empire and on their last day she went out of her way to say goodbye and give them a hug. They said they practically melted."
14."I’ve never heard a bad thing about Kelly Clarkson."
15."I think of Tracee Ellis Ross. She's grown up in the industry so she knows everyone and she’s become sort of a fashion icon. To me, she just exudes joy and fun. I would want to be friends with her."
"Trace Ellis Ross also just knows everyone. And yes, she seems delightful and like everyone adores her."
16."Daniel Radcliffe seems lovely. That interview where Sandra Bullock gives him so much praise, he looked like he was ready to cry."
17."Conan O'Brien is a mensch."
"A friend of mine worked with him when they were both writers. She adored him (she died a few years ago). He use to make her laugh by doing a wiggle dance and singing about being the sexist man alive while walking past her office."
18."I'd imagine Ryan Gosling is beloved as well."
"The only interviews I've seen Harrison Ford having a good time in are the one's where he's with Ryan."
19."Everyone speaks really highly of Kylie Minogue and rightfully so, she seems like a sweetheart."
20."Ke Huy Quan seems like he is having fun with everybody."
"Ke Huy Quan radiated more joy than anyone during Oscar season. (I was in hospital for a scary procedure during the Academy Awards, and a dose of Ke Huy Quan always improved my mood.)
His reunions with former film set co-workers— including Steven Spielberg, Harrison Ford, Brendan Fraser — were delightful. And when Quan gets dressed up, he always credits his stylists and whoever designed his clothes."
21."Jennifer Aniston is the one who comes to mind for me. She seems to have a lot of genuine friendships in the Hollywood set."
"I have a family friend that is a major cinematographer. Like, he gets his pick of anything. And he regularly says Jennifer Aniston is one of his absolute favorites to work with. She’s apparently so nice and personable to everyone."
23."Keanu Reeves is absolutely universally beloved by cast, as well as crews. He is so adored it's part of the reason he was still working before he broke through again after a slump with Speed — and then his leap into mega-stardom with The Matrix — because he's a sweetheart, has an amazing work ethic, and makes production a joy. And he's still the same, as many social media and other stories have shown."
You can read the full thread of responses on Reddit.
Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.
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