People Are Sharing The LEAST Toxic Celebrities Ever, And This Is The Wholesome Content I Needed Today
Recently, someone on Reddit posed the question, "Who is the LEAST toxic celebrity?"
And there were so many excellent responses about wholesome celebs! Here are some of the top-voted asnwers:
1.Dolly Parton
"I got to spend some time with her friend Kenny Rogers (RIP), and he said that Dolly is exactly the same IRL as you see on TV. It's not an act. She really is that nice."
"I'm not a huge country music fan, so when I do hear things about her, it's usually in regards to her charity work. She grew up dirt poor and never let fame and fortune go to her head. She uses her celebrity status to try to make the world a better place and just seems like a genuinely sweet lady."
"Dolly is the best of America."
2.Keanu Reeves
"Keanu Reeves has got to be the most selfless and down-to-earth celebrity out there."
"That’s 'St. Keanu' to the rest of us."
3."Weird Al" Yankovic
"A four-decade career with zero scandal allegations, and basically everyone likes him (other than Prince, apparently)? Yeah, I’d say he fits the bill."
"Confirmed. I worked at a bookstore when he came for a signing for one of his kids books. What was supposed to be a two-hour event lasted five hours. He signed whatever people brought in, posed for pictures however fans asked (I was the picture taker), and he gave extra care to anyone with neuro differences. He gave the same energy to the last fan a little after midnight as he did to the first fan at 7 p.m. One of the best experiences in my life."
4.Ashton Kutcher
"Even though his work is mostly terrible, he’s doing a good job against child trafficking."
"This is the most impactful person when the measure is the individual lives saved. The others are all decent folks, but Mr. Kutcher is not just funding but also working toward saving lives."
"She is so unproblematic."
6.Paul Rudd
"I’m convinced that’s why he doesn’t age."
7.Danny DeVito
"I heard about how he and his wife took Mara Wilson under their wing during Matilda, and it warmed my soul. Mara's mom had just passed away from breast cancer, and they were apparently very helpful. They would take her to dinner and spoil her...pretty much the opposite of the relationship they had in the movie."
8.Jack Black
"He just seems like a great guy through and through."
9.Kristen Bell
"The woman is hands down one of the least toxic celebrities on Instagram. I love that she puts emojis on her kids' faces to respect their privacy, given that kids can't really consent to being publicized and, in some cases, monetized. I love that she puts her children's childhood first.
"Also, that video clip of her crying when her husband surprises her with a sloth is one of the cutest, purest things I've ever seen."
10.Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
"The Rock seems like a good dude."
11.Tom Hanks
12.Dave Grohl
"Dave Grohl's my hero."
"This! I went to see Foo Fighters in 2019. There was a 5-year-old with his family, and it was his first gig, so Dave invited them onstage and gave them seats right next to the band."
13.Danny Trejo
14.Harry Styles
"I saw a clip of him at a concert. Some girl was asking if she should give her boyfriend another chance. She said he was controlling, and Harry just went, 'Bye-bye!' The amount of respect this guy shows women is super admirable. Great role model."
"Harry Styles is pure love and light."
15.Betty White
"I saw an interview where she was talking about her deceased Golden Girls costars. Although the interviewer kept trying to make her say bad things about one of the women, who apparently didn't like Betty, she never once took the bait. Only had the kindest things to say. She's a national treasure."
16.Steve Carell
"He seems like a genuinely nice guy."
"You also hear his coworkers speak very dearly of him."
17.Denzel Washington
"Wants nothing to do with Hollywood outside of his career."
18.Mister Rogers
"Mister Rogers is the obvious answer."
19.Hailee Steinfeld
"Literally anyone I’ve talked to who's met her said she was such a sweetheart and was completely adorable."
20.Daniel Radcliffe
"The guy turned out super alright."
21.Chadwick Boseman
"Chadwick Boseman, by far."
22.Mark Hamill
"Mark Hamill is a celebrity I want to meet, not because he’s a celebrity or was in something I love. No, it’s because by everything I’ve seen, he is a damn good dude who is immensely grateful for and kind to his fans."
23.And Finally, Robin Williams
"He apparently demanded that each film he worked on hire a certain number of homeless people to work in the crew. And he'd hang out with them and basically help them feel dignified and get back on their feet. Such a simple, kind act that likely changed hundreds of lives."
"A buddy of mine used to work in sound design and recording, and he got to meet Robin Williams while they were setting up equipment for a show. Said he was a real class act, went around and chatted with the crew before the show, and hung out with all the grunts who make sure the event goes right. By all accounts, he was one of the good guys, and the world is lesser in his absence."
Which celebrity do you think is the least toxic? Why? LMK in the comments below!
Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.