People Are Sharing The Movies That Made Them Flat Out Sob — I'm Talking Ugly Cry — And Rightfully So
I love a good cry session, so when I saw user u/gaby2277 recently ask the Reddit community about the movies that make them cry, I was immediately intrigued! And when I noticed there were some on the list that I hadn't seen, I had to share them with you.
Here are a few of the films that made people extra emotional:
"Besides always crying at the 'Remember Me' lullaby scene, I also start crying from the ending scene with Mama Coco through the end of the film."
2.Everything Everywhere All at Once
"It hits very specifically on a lot of my personal issues. It's so gorgeously shot that I might have cried without the plot and characters."
3.A Man Called Otto
"Oh god, I cried so hard in the theater watching this movie. My husband and I had been married about eight months when we saw it, and to see the pain of losing a spouse after so many years together, represented so honestly and truthfully on screen, was too much for my newlywed heart to take."
4.Beautiful Boy
"I ugly cried so much at this movie, especially since I lost my brother to an overdose a few months prior."
5.The Road
"The book broke my heart! It's even more depressing and disturbing than the film. My dad recommended it to me when I was in ninth grade. I was sobbing at the ending at our kitchen table."
"I’m a school library clerk, and one day a sixth-grade class was using the library to watch Up to keep them busy while other classes were doing another activity elsewhere. During the opening scene, the kids were trying so hard not to cry (some did), and you could hear a pin drop. It was a good memory for me."
7.Train to Busan
"My dad had just died of cancer a few months prior, so I decided to watch that movie because I thought it would take my mind off it. Nope. I ended up sobbing like I was a little kid at the end."
8.The Whale
"Be prepared! I made the poor decision of watching it on a packed plane. I do NOT cry easily, but when I do, it’s full-on blubbering, shirt drenched, the works. Fortunately for me, the plane was dark and loud, so I don’t think many people noticed, lol."
"It was ridiculously embarrassing, but I cried during this movie. That movie got SO DEPRESSING at the end."
"Ashton Sanders should've been nominated for his performance because OMG!"
11.Manchester by the Sea
"It just hurts you after you watch it. I’ve never seen a movie that made me think about it days and weeks after. It's very heart-wrenching."
12.Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again
"My dad had recently passed away, and he loved the first one. We watched it together a lot, so we were already a little weepy going in. But I was not expecting the sob fest it became. I was honestly a little embarrassed at how badly I was weeping. But it was okay because all of us were."
13.American Beauty
"One of the last scenes where Carolyn panics and hides her gun in Lester's closet and then is immediately overcome with emotion by his shirts hanging up. She just grabs them all and sobs as she collapses to the floor. You don't know what you got 'til it's gone..."
"It was during that really good cloak scene. I didn't know that the bullets were blanks and thought the girl was shot for real."
15.Terms of Endearment
"That scene when Shirley MacLaine demands drugs for her daughter, but mostly when Debra Winger can’t bring herself to say goodbye to her youngest son. Sobs. Especially now as a parent."
16.Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
"I sobbed when I saw it in theaters. I especially lost my shit when Floor started to freak out. I rewatched it again about two weeks after we got it on 4K, and I still balled, but this time, I was surrounded by my dogs and had my baby Rocket stuffed animal, haha. I love the movie, but I don't think I can rewatch it like I do with the other MCU movies I love."
17.Dancer in the Dark
"Yes, this is a brutal, downward spiral of a movie. It starts bleak and just gets worse. The fact there are hints of hope that just get washed away...ugh. The end was devastating to see unfold."
18.Life as a House
"I had to leave the theater to go sob in the bathroom."
19.Where the Red Fern Grows
"I decided to read the last couple chapters the other morning to see if it was as sad as I remembered, and I had to leave the bedroom because I started crying so hard I was afraid I was going to wake my boyfriend up."
Is there a movie that always makes you emotional? Tell us about it in the comments below!
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