The Plan for Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s Upcoming Movie Premiere Sounds...Awkward

Will Bennifer Be Reuniting on the TIFF Red Carpet?Getty Images

So, slightly awkward timing, but Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck have a movie coming out (hi, Unstoppable). And it’s premiering at the Toronto International Film Festival in a mere matter of weeks. So...will they be awkwardly walking the red carpet together?


Page Six reports that while J.Lo will be heading to Toronto next month for the red carpet premiere (mark your cals for September 6), Ben will be skipping the event and staying at home…which kinda makes sense considering the former stars in the film and the latter has a slightly more behind-the-scenes role.

Turns out, Unstoppable (which is about wrestler Anthony Robles) was produced by Ben’s company, Artists Equity, and he and Matt Damon are two of over a dozen producers. And according to the Daily Mail, some of said producers have been “pushing” Bennifer to “appear together at the premiere in Toronto to create buzz on the film.”

Ben previously spoke about working with J.Lo on the movie to CBS Sunday Mornings back in March 2023, saying, “What fun, what a joy to do something with her, see her be great, go to work with your wife, go to work with your best friend.”

And, um, just FYI: If the movie ends up being an awards season contender, it’s pretty much inevitable that J.Lo and Ben will be showing up at events together. Just saying!

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