Punk icons Iggy Pop and Siouxsie Sioux have re-recorded The Passenger for an ice cream advert

 Iggy and Siouxsie.
Iggy and Siouxsie.

Punk legends Iggy Pop and Siouxsie Sioux have teamed up to record Pop's Lust For Life-era classic The Passenger for an ice cream advert.

The collaboration, Sioux's first new recording in nine year, is currently soundtracking an advert for Magnum ice cream.

Talking about the pairing, Pop says, “Siouxsie can sing like a bird. I’ve always thought she was a great lady. Her version of the song [ which appeared on 1987 covers album Through The Looking Glass] was already special, but what happened here, singing together, is really unique. Like Volare, the orchestral treatment and marriage of voices flies free, in a spirit of joy.”

“I love this song and I’ve always loved Iggy’s voice,” Siouxsie adds. “I adore how instinctive and spontaneous it all feels and to hear my voice with Iggy's is such a dream.”

Advertising trade website Shots states, “Creating a sonic experience that transcends time, the joint vocals from the godfather of punk and the formidable Siouxsie Sioux make for a tantaliSing tune that perfectly lends itself to the magical TVC.”


Watch the advert, launching Magnum's new Euphoria, Wonder and Chill lollies. below:

Iggy and Siouxsie are not the only first generation punks to dip their toes into ther advertising world. Former Sex Pistols frontman John Lydon  famouslyreceived a late career boost after fronting TV ads for Country Life butter.